Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 52.djvu/227

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PUBLIC LAWS-CH. 62 -APR . 4 , 1938 Southeast, Branch Avenue, Denver Street to District of Columbia line, $30,000; Southeast, Nichols Avenue, Upsal to South Capitol Street and South Capitol Street, Nichols Avenue to Atlantic Street, $86,000; Northwest, Forty-sixth Street, Massachusetts Avenue to River Road, $81,000; Northwest, Loughboro Road, Indian Lane to Glenbrook Road, $60,000; Northeast, C Street, Sixteenth Street to Nineteenth Street, Double Roadway, $40,000; Northeast, North Carolina Avenue, Fifteenth Street to Sixteenth Street, $10,000; Widening, etc., des- For widening, altering, paving, and repaving roadways, in accord- ance with the plans and profiles to be approved by the Commissioners of the District of Columbia, including the necessary replacement and relocation of sewers, water mains, and fire-alarm and police-patrol boxes, as follows: Northwest, K Street, Twelfth Street to Connecticut Avenue, $121,100; Northwest, Eleventh Street, Massachusetts Avenue to Rhode Island Avenue, $115,200; Northwest, Twelfth Street, New York Avenue to Massachusetts Avenue, $46,900; Northwest, New York Avenue, Fourteenth Street to Fifteenth Street (north side), $15,000; Twelfth Street west, Constitution Avenue north to Independence Avenue south, $84,500: ssnesnt against Provided, That in widening, altering, paving, and repaving these abutting property roadways 40 per centum of the entire cost thereof shall be assessed own c rs. against and collected from the owners of the abutting property in 46Stat.1197. the manner provided in the Act approved February 20, 1931 (46 Stat. 1197-1199). The owners of abutting property also shall be required to modify, at their own expense, the roofs of any vaults that may be under the sidewalks or parking on said street if it be found necessary to change such vaults to permit of the roadway being widened; Grading; culverts, For grading streets, alleys, and roads, including construction of necessary culverts and retaining walls, $50,000; Pavingcenterstrips. For paving the unpaved center strips of paved roadways, $5,000; inor charges. in For minor changes in roadway and sidewalks on plans to be approved by the Commissioners of the District of Columbia to facili- tate vehicular and pedestrian traffic, $5,000; Curbs and. gutters For construction of curbs and gutters, or concrete shoulders in connection with all forms of macadam roadways and adjustment of roadways thereto, together with resurfacing and replacing of base of such roadways where necessary, $200,000; Surfacing, etc., For the surfacing and resurfacing or replacement of asphalt pavements. granite block, or concrete pavements with the same or other approved material, $450,000; iorepaird, cntue - For construction, maintenance, operation, and repair of bridges, $50,000; Street, etc., repairs. For current work of repairs to streets, avenues, roads, and alleys, including the reconditioning of existing gravel streets and roads; for cleaning snow and ice from streets, sidewalks, cross walks, and gutters in the discretion of the Commissioners; and including the purchase, exchange maintenance, and operation of non-passenger-carrying Snowremova. motor vehicles used in this work, $850,000: Provided, That appro- priations contained in this Act for highways, sewers, city refuse, and 186 [52 STAT.