Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 52.djvu/258

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52 STAT.] 75TH CONG., 3D SESS.-CHS. 146 , 147-APR. 13 , 1988 which number one thousand seven hundred and ninety-three shall be assigned to the non-promotion-list branch in numbers propor- tionate to the numbers now fixed by law for such branches, and twelve thousand seven hundred and ninety-nine to the promotion- list branches in numbers proportionate to the numbers now desig- nated by the President for such branches pursuant to law, except that the proportional increases as computed under this Act for the Medical Administrative Corps and Veterinary Corps shall be assigned to the Dental Corps and that the Air Corps shall be increased so as to provide within the total of fourteen thousand six hundred and fifty-nine an authorized commissioned strength of two thousand and ninety-two: Provided, That the President may increase or diminish the number of officers assigned to any branch by not more than a total of 30 per centum: Provided further, That the additional officers authorized by this Act shall be appointed in the lowest com- missioned grade now provided by law for the respective branches in which appointments are to be made: And provided further, That this Act shall not affect the Act approved August 30, 1935 (49 Stat. 1028), except that the total number of Reserve officers to be appointed annually under authority of that Act, in the combatant arms, Chem- ical Warfare Service and the Air Corps in the grade of second lieu- tenant, Regular Army, shall be 10 per centum of the total number authorized to be trained annually under appropriation Acts in pur- suance of the Act of August 30, 1935, and in no event less than fifty, and that any officers added to the Army under existing authoriza- tions shall be within the total authorized commissioned strength of fourteen thousand six hundred and fifty-nine herein provided. Approved, April 13, 1938. [CHAPTER 147] JOINT RESOLUTION Authorizing the erection of a memorial to the late Guglielmo Marconi. Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of the Interior be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed to grant per- mission to The Marconi Memorial Foundation, Inc., for the erection on public grounds of the United States in the District of Columbia, other than those of the Capitol, the Library of Congress, and the White House, of a memorial of simple and artistic form to the late Guglielmo Marconi, inventor of an apparatus for wireless telegraphy, by the American people: Provided, That the site chosen and the design of the memorial shall have the approval of the National Com- mission of Fine Arts and that the United States shall be put to no expense in or by the erection of the said memorial: Providedfurther, That unless funds, which in the estimation of the Secretary of the Interior are sufficient to insure the completion of the memorial, are certified available, and the erection of this memorial begun within five years from and after the passage of this legislation, the authori- zation hereby granted is revoked. Approved, April 13, 1938. 217 Assignments. Exceptions. Dental Corps. Ante, p.8. Air Corps. Provisos. Powers of Presi- dent to modify assign- ments. Appointment in lowest commissioned grade of each branch. Reserve officers; an- nual appointments in combatant arms, etc. 49 Stat. 1028 . 10 U. S. C., Supp. III, §§ 369a, 487a. Increases not to ex- ceed existing author- izations. April 13, 1938 [H. J. Res. 499] [Pub. Bes., No. 86] Guglielmo Marconi memorial. Erection of, in Dis- trict of Columbia, au- thorized. Provisos. Approval of site and design. Financial, etc. , c on - ditions.