Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 52.djvu/304

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52 STAT.] 75TH CONG., 3D SESS.-CH. 180-- -APR. 27, 1938 United States Hospital for Defective Delinquents: For the United States Hospital for Defective Delinquents, including not to exceed $168,200 for salaries and wages of all officers and employees, $366,680. Federal jails: For maintenance and operation of Federal jails, including not to exceed $723,760 for salaries and wages of all officers and employees, and including the purchase of two passenger-carry- ing automobiles, $1,367,855: Provided, That of this amount $155,000 shall be available immediately for special equipment for the jail at Sandstone, Minnesota. Prison camps: For the construction and repair of buildings at prison camps, the purchase and installation of machinery and equip- ment, and all necessary expenses incident thereto, and for the main- tenance of United States prisoners at prison camps, including the purchase of two passenger-carrying automobiles, to be expended so as to give the maximum amount of employment to prisoners, $604,830: Provided, That reimbursements from this appropriation made to the War or other departments for supplies or subsistence shall be at the net contract or invoice price notwithstanding the provisions of any other Act: Provided further, That of this appropriation $33,000 shall be available for construction of a prison camp at Tucson, Arizona. Federal Reformatory Camp, Petersburg, Virginia: For the Federal Reformatory Camp at Petersburg, Virginia, including not to ex- ceed $151,460 for salaries and wages of all officers and employees, $312,455. Not to exceed 10 per centum of any of the foregoing appropriations under the general heading "Penal and Correctional Institutions" (except those for "Medical and hospital services" "Buildings and equipment", and "Construction and repair, United States Peniten- tiary, McNeil Island, Washington") may be transferred, with the approval of the Director of the Bureau of the Budget, to any appro- priation or appropriations from which transfers are authorized to be made by this paragraph, but no appropriation shall be increased by more than 10 per centum thereby and no transfer shall be effected for the payment of personnel in any such institution. PUBLIO WORKS For the acquisition of a site, construction, remodeling, and equip- ping necessary buildings, purchase and installation of machinery and equipment, and all necessary expenses incident thereto, for establish- ment of one new penal or correctional institution, pursuant to the Act entitled "An Act to reorganize the administration of Federal prisons; to authorize the Attorney General to contract for the care of United States prisoners; to establish Federal jails, and for other purposes", approved May 14, 1930, to be expended under the direc- tion of the Attorney General by contract or purchase of material and hire of labor and services and utilization of labor of United States prisoners as the Attorney General may direct, to be available im- mediately and to remain available until expended, $450,000: Pro- vided That the total sum to be expended for such purposes shall not exceed $1,300,000, and authority is hereby granted to enter into con- tracts for not to exceed such amount. Buildings and equipment, public works: For extensions to existing facilities and not to exceed $25,000 for construction of dwellings for prison officers at existing institutions, and including not to exceed $86,600 for construction of a sedimentation basin, flter plant, and other required appurtenances, to be operated by the city of El Reno, Oklahoma, as a part of the water facilities of said city, on property 263 United States Hos- pital for Defective De- linquents. Federal jails. Proviso. Sandstone, Minn., equipment. Prison camps, con- struction, etc. Maintenance. Proisos. Reimbursements. Tucson, Ariz., con- struction. Federal Reforma- tory Camp, Peters- burg, Va. Transfer of appro- priations authorized. Restriction. Public works. Establishment of one new penal or cor- rectional Institution. Site, construction, equipment. 46 Stat. 325. 18U. .C.i.6e, 753-753], 816. Provso. Limitation on ex- penditure; contracts. Buildings and equipment. El Beno, Okla., water faclitie.