Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 52.djvu/31

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LIST OF PRIVATE LAWS Act Res. 520 .--- Harry P. Russell. AN ACT For the relief of Harry P. Russell, a minor__ ----- --_. -- ---- ---- --.-- --- -- __.. ___ __ .- 521 -__. S. T. Roebuck. AN ACT For the relief of S. T. Roebuck..... 522 _ _ Ephriam J. Hicks. AN ACT For the relief of Ephriam J. Hicks- 523 ---- Joe F. Pedlichek. AN ACT For the relief of Joe F. Pedlichek__ 524 ---- Frank Scofield. AN ACT For the relief of Frank Scofield... 525 ---- John G. Edwards. AN ACT For the relief of John G. Edwards_ 526 ---- Mildred G. Yund. AN ACT For the relief of Mildred G. Yund_ 527 ---- New York and Baltimore TransportationLine, Inc. AN ACT For the relief of the New York and Baltimore Transportation Line, Incorporated --------


--- 528 ---- Helene Landesman. AN ACT For the relief of Helene Landesman 529 ---- H. W . Adelberger, Jr. AN ACT Authorizing the Comptroller General to settle and adjust the claim of H. W. Adelberger, Junior--------------... ..- 530 - -- A. J. Peters Company, Inc. AN ACT For the relief of Stanley A. Jerman, receiver for A. J . Peters Company, Incorporated -- _- 531 ---- Sherm Sletholm and others. AN ACT For the relief of Sherm Sletholm, Loneata Sletholm, Lulu Yates, Madeline Yates, and the estate of Ella A. Morris ------------_ ------ -------_ _ _ 532 . _ -. Comision Mixta Demarcadorade Limites Entre Colombia y Panama. AN ACT For the relief of the Comision Mixta Demarcadora de Limites Entre Colombia y Panama --------- _ _--_ -___ _- 533 ---- Mary Lord Harrison. AN ACT Granting a pension to Mary Lord Harrison -. ..- 534 - - Tiffany ConstructionCompany. AN ACT Authorizing the Comp- troller General to settle and adjust the claim of Tiffany Con- struction Company-________________________--- - 535 ---- William A. Patterson and others. AN ACT For the relief of William A. Patterson, Albert E. Rust, Louis Pfeiffer; and John L. Nesbitt and Cora B. Geller, as executors under the will of James T. Bentley----.-------------------------__ 536 ---- F . Gray Griswold, estate. AN ACT For the relief of the estate of F. Gray Griswold -... ___.._ 537 ---- Mary Kane and others. AN ACT For the relief of Mary Kane, Ella Benz, Muriel Benz, John Benz, and Frank Restis---- 538 ---- List and Clark Construction Company. AN ACT For the relief of List and Clark Construction Company -- --- - - 539 ---- Louis Labeaume. AN ACT Confirming to Louis Labeaume, or his legal representatives, title to a certain tract of land located in Saint Charles County, in the State of Missouri ---- 540 ---- W. F. Lueders. AN ACT For the relief of W. F . Lueders.. -- 541 - --- Georgia Marble Company. AN ACT For the relief of the Georgia Marble Company.... ..... _-- 542 - -- Sallie S. Twilley. AN ACT For the relief of Sallie S. Twilley_] 543 ---- Mrs. C. Doorn. AN ACT For the relief of Mrs. C . Doornm 544 - -- Charles A. Rife. AN ACT For the relief of Charles A. Rife - 545--. Lt. T. L. Bartlett. AN ACT For the relief of Lieutenant T. L. Bartlett... ___ 546 -..- Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Konderish. AN ACT For the relief of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Konderish------ 547 - --- Orville D. Davis. AN ACT For the relief of Orville D. Davis - 548 ---- Glenn Morrow. AN ACT For the relief of Glenn Morrow --- 549 .. - Congress Construction Company. AN ACT For the relief of the Congress Construction Company _ -_ _. . 550 -. - W. K. Hyer, estate. AN ACT For the relief of the estate of W. K . Hyer -.--------.-.-- . .. ... ... ... ... ... . .. ... 551 -. _ Mary Way. AN ACT For the relief of Mary Way - . --- --- 552 -- - Samuel L. Dwyer. AN ACT For the relief of Samuel L. Dwyer_ 553 ---- Mr. and Mrs. James Crawford. AN ACT For the relief of Mr. and Mrs. James Crawford 554 ---- Edith Jennings and Patsy Ruth Jennings. AN ACT For the relief of Edith Jennings and Patsy Ruth Jennings, a minor___ 555 -... Carl Orr. AN ACT For the relief of Carl Orr, a minor

556 -. _- John F. Fahey. AN ACT For the relief of John F. Fahey, United States Marine Corps, retired - 557 ---- Dorothy Anne Walker. AN ACT For the relief of Dorothy Anne Walker, a minor 558 .... Raquel Franco, estate. AN ACT For the relief of the estate of Raquel Franco---------- 559 --.. Mr. and Mrs. S . A . Felsenthaland others. AN ACT For the re- lief of Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Felsenthal, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Friedlander, and Mrs. Gus Levy ..............-.. Date May May May May May May May 17, 1938_ -- 17, 1938 -_ 17, 1938-- _ 17, 1938___ 17, 1938-- 17, 1938___ 17, 1938- _- Page 1312 1313 1313 1314 1314 1314 1315 May 18,1938-_ _ 1315 May 21,1938--- 13i5 May 23, 1938___ 1316 May 24,1938___ 1316 May 24, 1938_- - 1317 May 24, 1938___ 1317 May 24,1938___ 1318 May 25, 1938___ May 26,1938- May 26, 1938-- May 31,1938--- June 1,1938___ June 1,1938- June 7,1938-- June 8,1938__ June 10, 1938_ June 10, 1938_ June 11, 1938-- June 11, 1938___ June 11, 1938__ June 11, 1938 - June 11, 1938- June 11, 1938-- June 14, 1938 - June 14, 1938_ June 14, 1938___ June 14, 1938___ June 14, 1938 June 14, 1938-- June 14, 1938-- June 14, 1938-- June 14, 1938-- 1318 1318 1319 1319 1320 1320 1320 1321 1321 1322 1322 1322 1323 1323 1324 1324 1324 1325 1325 1326 1326 1327 1327 1327 1328 June 14,1938__- 1328 xxxii