Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 52.djvu/328

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75mrH CONG. , 3o SESS.-CH. 180-APR . 27, 1938 excluding contract laborers and induced and assisted immigrants, not to exceed $60,000 of the sum herein appropriated may be expended for such purposes, and such expenditure shall be made in strict compliance with the provisions of the Act of July 11, 1919 (U. S. C., title 18, sec. 201). General expenses (other than salaries): For all expenses of the Immigration and Naturalization Service, including the Immigration Border Patrol, incurred in the enforcement of the laws regulating the immigration to, the residence in, and the exclusion and deporta- tion from the United States of aliens and persons subject to the Chinese exclusion laws; for enforcement of the laws authorizing a uniform rule for the naturalization of aliens; expenses of officers, clerks, and other employees appointed to enforce said laws; care, detention, maintenance, transportation, and traveling expenses inci- dent to the deportation and removal of aliens and persons subject to the Chinese exclusion laws, as authorized by law, in the United States and to, through, or in foreign countries; purchase of supplies and equipment, including alterations and repairs; purchase, exchange, operation, maintenance, and repair of motor-propelled vehicles, including passenger-carrying vehicles for official use in field work; arms, ammunition, and accessories; cost of reports of decisions of the Federal courts and digests thereof for official use; verifications of legal papers; refunding of head tax, maintenance bills, and immigra- tion fines, upon presentation of evidence showing conclusively that collection and deposit was made through error; mileage and fees to witnesses subpenaed on behalf of the United States, and for all other expenses necessary to enforce said laws, $1,292,200: Provided, That not to exceed $45,000 of the sum herein appropriated shall be avail- able for the purchase, including exchange, of motor-propelled pas- senger-carrying vehicles: Provided further, That the Commissioner of Immigration and Naturalization, with the approval of the Secre- tary of Labor, may contract with officers and employees stationed outside of the District of Columbia, whose salaries are payable from the appropriation for field salaries of the Immigration and Natural- ization Service, for the use, on official business outside of the District of Columbia, of privately owned horses, and the consideration agreed upon shall be payable from the funds herein appropriated: Provided further, That not to exceed $10,000 of the sum herein appropriated may be expended for payment of rewards, when specifically author- ized by the Secretary of Labor, for information leading to the detec- tion, arrest, or conviction of persons violating the immigration or naturalization laws. Immigration stations: For remodeling, repairing (including repairs to the ferryboat, Ellis Island), renovating buildings, and purchase of equipment, $85,000. The appropriation under title IV for traveling expenses shall be available in an amount not to exceed $400 for expenses of attendance at meetings concerned with the work of the Bureau of Immigration and Naturalization when incurred on the written authority of the Secretary of Labor. CHILDREN'S BUREAU Salaries and expenses: For expenses of investigating and reporting upon matters pertaining to the welfare of children and child life, and especially to investigate the questions of infant mortality; personal services, including experts and temporary assistants; purchase of reports and material for the publications of the Children's Bureau and for reprints from State, city, and private publications for distri- bution when said reprints can be procured more cheaply than they 41 Stat. 68. 18U.S.C.§201. General expenses. Enforcement of im- migration, etc., laws. Vehicles. Witness fees, etc. Provisos. Purchase of motor vehicles. Privately-owned horses. Payment of re- wards. Immigration sta- tions. Attendance at meet- ings. Children's Bureau. Salaries and ex- penses. Investigations, etc 52 STAT.] 287