Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 52.djvu/421

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PUBLIC LAWS-CHS. 234 , 235 -MAY 17, 1938 Description. May 17, 1938 AN ACT [H. R. 9942] [Public, N9 525] To authorize the conveyance of the Mattapoisett (Ned Point) Lighthouse Reser- c,o vation at Mattapoisett, Massachusetts, to the town of Mattapoisett. Mattapoisett (Ned Point) Lighthouse Reservation, Mass. Conveyance of por- tions of, to town for roadway, etc., pur- poses. Deed. Easements reserved. Condition. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That for a price of not less than 50 per centum of the appraised value of the property hereinafter authorized to be conveyed, as may be established by the Treasury Department after due allowance for the value of any improvements which the town of Mattapoisett, Massachusetts, may have already erected on the property the Secretary of the Treasury is authorized and directed to convey, by quitclaim deed, to the board of selectmen of the town of Mattapoisett, Massachusetts, for roadway and public-park purposes, such portions of the Mattapoisett (Ned Point) Lighthouse Reservation, Massachusetts, as are not required to be retained for lighthouse purposes. The deed of conveyance shall describe by metes and bounds the exact portions of the reservation transferred, and shall contain a clause reserving to the United States easements for the transportation of men and materials to and from the area retained by the United States and for the unobstructed showing of light rays between ninety degrees and three hundred and ten degrees true seaward from the light tower. The said deed shall further provide that the said town of Mattapoisett shall take the property conveyed by said deed subject to any encroachments thereon and subject to any defects or deficiencies in area or description aris- ing by reason of discrepancies between the description in the deed to the United States and the description in the deed to the town. Approved, May 17, 1938. of the Territory of Alaska, a tract of land situated in the Tongass National Forest near the town of Petersburg, Alaska, for use as the site of a fur farm experiment station and described as follows: Beginning at meander corner common to lot 4, section 35, town- ship 59 south, range 79 east, Copper River meridian, and lot 4, sec- tion 2, township 60 south, range 79 east; thence with meander of Wrangell Narrows to meander corner common to lot 4, section 35, and lot 4, section 34; thence continuing meanders to southwest cor- ner of home site numbered 614; thence following the boundary of said home site east five chains; thence north seven chains to north boundary of lot 4, section 35, township 59 south, range 79 east; thence east sixteen and seventy-five one-hundredths chains along said bound- ary to northeast corner said lot; thence south twenty chains along east boundary of said lot; thence west thirteen and sixty-nine one- hundredths chains to place of beginning. A public highway one chain wide passes through the tract, the center line of which begins at a point seven and seventy-three one-hundredths chains from the initial corner of the tract, and extends north twenty-two degrees fifty-five minutes west ten chains; thence north thirty-seven degrees fifty-five minutes east, approximately ten and seventy-five one-hun- dredths chains to east boundary of home site numbered 614. Total area of tract is thirty-six and ninety-three one-hundredths acres. Approved, May 17, 1938. [CHAPTER 235] 380 [52 STAT.