Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 52.djvu/443

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PUBLIC LAWS-CH. 243 -MAY 17, 1938 Cruisers. (c) Cruisers, sixty-eight thousand seven hundred and fifty-four tons, making a total authorized underage tonnage of four hundred and twelve thousand five hundred and twenty-four tons; Destroyers. (d) Destroyers, thirty-eight thousand tons, making a total author- ized underage tonnage of two hundred and twenty-eight thousand tons; Submarines. (e) Submarines, thirteen thousand six hundred and fifty-eight tons, making a total authorized underage tonnage of eighty-one thousand nine hundred and fifty-six tons. Building to author- SEC. 2 . Tie President of the United States is hereby authorized to undertake such construction, including replacements, as is necessary to build the Navy to the total authorized underage composition as pro- vided for in section 1 of this Act. Additional naval SEC. 3 . The President of the United States is hereby authorized to acquire or construct additional naval airplanes, including patrol planes, and spare parts and equipment, so as to bring the number of useful naval airplanes to a total of not less than three thousand. Auxiliar vessels. SEC. 4. The President of the United States is hereby further author- ized to acquire and convert or to undertake the construction of the following auxiliary vessels: Destroyer tender. (a) Three destroyer tenders, a total of twenty-seven thousand tons light displacement tonnage; Submarinetenders. (b) Two submarine tenders, a total of eighteen thousand tons light displacement tonnage; Seaplane tenders () Three large seaplane tenders, a total of twenty-five thousand tons light displacement tonnage; (d) Seven small seaplane tenders, a total of eleven thousand five hundred and fifty tons light displacement tonnage; Repair ship. (e) One repair ship of nine thousand five hundred tons light displacement tonnage; ltankers,. (f) Four oil tankers, a total of thirty-two thousand tons light dis- placement tonnage; Minelayer. (g) One minv layer of six thousand tons light displacement tonnage; Mine sweepers. (h) Three mine sweepers, a total of two thousand one hundred tons light displacement tonnage; and Fleet tugs (i) Two fleet tugs, a total of two thousand five hundred tons light displacement tonnage. Appropriat 10 o au- SEC. 5 . There is hereby authorized to be appropriated, out of any money in the Treasury of the United States not otherwise appro- priated, such sums as may be necessary to effectuate the purposes of this Act, which purposes shall include essential equipment and facili- ties at navy yards for building any ship or ships herein or heretofore authorized. Experimental ve SEC. 6. There is hereby authorized to be appropriated, out of any Appropriation for money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, the sum of thorri fed. a $15,000,000 to be expended at the discretion of the President of the Post,p . 1142. United States for the construction of experimental vessels, none of Rigid airship. which shall exceed three thousand tons standard displacement, and the sum of $3,000,000 to be expended at the discretion of the Presi- dent of the United States for the construction of a rigid airship of American design and American construction of a capacity not to exceed three million cubic feet either fabric covered or metal covered to be used for training, experimental, and development purposes. Allocation and con SEC. 7. The allocation and contracts for construction of the vessels tracts for construction of vessels, procure herein authorized and the replacement thereof, as well as for the pro- ment of airplanes, etc. curement and construction of airplanes and spare parts, shall be in 34 sUat. . i 44 accordance with the terms and conditions provided by the Act of Supp. mI, i 49. March 27, 1934 (48 Stat. 503), as amended. 402 [52 STAT.