Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 52.djvu/659

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PUBLIC LAWS-CH. 321 --JUNE 7 , 1938 be actually engaged upon business pertaining to his official duties as such Board member: Provided, That such expenses shall in no excess event exceed the total of receipts: Providedfurther, That at the close of each fiscal year any funds unexpended in excess of the sum of $1,000 shall be paid into the Treasury of the United States to the credit of the District of Columbia. Persons called to aid of Board. n PERSONS CALLED TO AID OF BOARD onducting e xa mi- SEC. 20. The Board may call to its aid any person or persons of established reputation and known ability in the practices as provided in this Act for the purpose of conducting examinations, inspections and investigations of any or all persons, firms, or corporations affected by this Act. Such aid or aids shall not be connected with any school Compensation. teaching cosmetology. Any person called by the Board to its aid as provided herein shall receive for his or her services not more than $10 for each day employed in the actual discharge of his or her official duties, and his or her actual and necessary expenses incurred, to be paid in the same manner as herein provided for the payment of com- pensation and expenses of members of the Board. Sanitary rules. SANITARY RULES Enforcement by SEC. 21. The sanitary regulations for the control of beauty shops and manicuring establishments in the District of Columbia shall be such as are now in force or which may from time to time be promul- gated by the Health Department of the District of Columbia, which said Department shall have full and complete charge of the enforce- Usent o shop por ment of said sanitary regulations. It shall be unlawful for the owner residential, etc., pur- posesforbidden. or manager of any beauty shop or school of cosmetology to permit any person to sleep in or use for residential purposes any room used mentl es .- wholly or in part as a beauty shop or school of cosmetology. It shall be unlawful for any person, firm, or corporation to practice cosmetol- ogy except in a bona-fide established beauty shop or school of cosmetol- ogy, wherein the requirements of the Board as to proper, sanitary, and rodep. exclusive practices of cosmetology are complied with: Provided, how- ever, That a person may practice outside of such establishment under the direction and control of an owner or manager thereof under such etxsting sanitary, regulations as the Board may provide: Provided further, That noth- etc., rules not rvs pealed. ing in this Act contained shall be construed to limit or repeal any existing rules, regulations, or laws relating to health or sanitation. earing may beheld by any member. Temporary licenses Proiso. Examination, fees. Duration. HEARING MAY BE IELD BY ANY MEMBER SEO. 22. Any investigation, inquiry, or hearing which the Board is empowered by law to hold or undertake may be held or undertaken by or before any member or members of said Board and shall be deemed to be the finding or order of said Board when approved and confirmed by it. TEMPORARY LICENSES SEC. 23. The Board may issue a temporary license to any person who otherwise is subject to examination, as provided in this Act, upon documentary or other satisfactory evidence that the applicant therefor has the necessary qualifications to practice any one or any combination of practices of cosmetology for which a temporary license is applied for: Provided, however, That such application for a temporary license is accompanied by an application for an examina- tion as provided in this Act and the necessary fee therefor and a fee of $2 for such temporary license. Such temporary license shall remain in force until the next regular meeting of the Board at which exami- Provisos. Limitation. Deposit of funds. [52 STAT.