Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 52.djvu/685

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PUBLIC LAWS-CH. 347-JUNE 11, 1938 Army Medical Mu- seum. Preservation, etc., of specimens. ARMY MEDICAL MUSEUM For the procurement, preparation, and preservation of specimens and the purchase of technical supplies and equipment, $10,000. PRINTING AND BINDING, WAR DEPARTMENT Printing and bind- For printing and binding for the War Department, its bureaus and offices, and for all printing and binding for the field activities under the War Department, except such as may be authorized in accordance with existing law to be done elsewhere than at the Gov- Pdia bulletins. ernment Printing Office, $495,000: Provided, That the sum of $3,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary, may be used for the publica- tion, from time to time, of bulletins prepared under the direction of the Surgeon General of the Army, for the instruction of medical officers, when approved by the Secretary of War. Military activities. Army contingen- cies. General Staff Corps. Military Intelli- gence Division. Contingent expen- ass. Observing opera- tions of foreign armies. Proriso. Provisions waived. R. S. . 3648. 31 U. S. C. §529. Field exercises. Participation by Na- tional Guard, etc. Supplies and serv- ices. Private property damage claims. MILITARY ACTIVITIES CONTINGENCIES OF THE ARMY For all emergencies and extraordinary expenses, including the employment of translators, and exclusive of all other personal serv- ices in the War Department or any of its subordinate bureaus or offices in the District of Columbia, or in the Army at large, but impossible to be anticipated or classified, and for examination of estimates of appropriations and of military activities in the field, to be expended on the approval or authority of the Secretary of War, and for such purposes as he may deem proper, and his determination thereon shall be final and conclusive upon the accounting officers of the Government, $17,500. GENERAL STAFF CORPS CONTINGENCIES, MILITARY INTELLIGENCE DIVISION For contingent expenses of the Military Intelligence Division, Gen- eral Staff Corps, and maintenance of the military attaches at the United States embassies and legations abroad, including the purchase of law books, professional books of reference and subscriptions to newspapers and periodicals; for the hire of interpreters, special agents, and guides, and for such other purposes as the Secretary of War may deem proper, including not to exceed $5,000 for the actual and necessary expenses of officers of the Army on duty abroad for the purpose of observing operations of armies of foreign states at war, to be paid upon certificates of the Secretary of War that the expenditures were necessary for obtaining military information, $89,450, to be expended under the direction of the Secretary of War, and $10,000 of such sum shall be available immediately: Provided, That section 3648, Revised Statutes (31 U. S. C. 529), shall not apply to payments made from appropriations contained in this Act in com- pliance with the laws of foreign countries or their ministerial regu- lations under which the military attaches are required to operate. FIELD EXERCISES For expenses required for the conduct of special field exercises, including participation therein by the National Guard and the Organized Reserves, comprising allowances for enlisted men for quarters and rations, movement of materiel, maintenance and opera- tion of structures and utilities, and any other requisite supplies and services, and for settlement of claims (not exceeding $500 each) for damages to or loss of private property resulting from such exercises 644 [52 STAT.