Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 52.djvu/693

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PUBLIC LAWS-CH. 347-JUNE 11, 1938 Military posts, con- struction, etc. 50 Stat. 857 -862. Proviso. Increasein amounts. Acquisition of land. Air Corps, radio- beacon sites. 49 Stat. 610 . 10 U. S. C., Supp. III, §§ 1343a, 1343b. Barracks, quarters, etc. and otherwise to incur obligations in excess of such amount to the extent of $748,300; for work authorized by the Act of August 26, 1937 (50 Stat. 857-862): At Fort Benning, Georgia, including an addi- tional amount for the completion of the water system project, $450,000; Chanute Field, Illinois, $1,500,000; Fort Clayton, Canal Zone, $650,000; Air Corps Technical School, Denver, Colorado, $1,385,000; Fort Knox, Kentucky $850,000; Fort Monroe, Virginia, $81,500; Panama Canal Zone, $328,000; Schofield Barracks, Hawaii, $785,100; Fort Barrancas, Florida, $87,000; Fort Sill, Oklahoma, $331,000; and Army and Navy General Hospital, Hot Springs, Arkansas, $35,000; in all, $10,269,880: Provided, That contracts are hereby authorized to be entered into and obligations otherwise incurred in excess of the preceding stipulated amounts, as follows: Chanute Field, Illinois, $575,000; Fort Clayton, Canal Zone, $178,000; Air Corps Technical School, Denver, Colorado, $150,000; and Fort Knox, Kentucky, $187,200. ACQUISITION OF LAND For the acquisition of land, as authorized by the Act of August 12, 1935 (49 Stat. 610), to remain available until expended, and to be applied as follows: Sites for radiobeacons as aids to air navigation in the vicinity of Chanute Field, Illinois; Hamilton Field, Cali- fornia; March Field, California; Maxwell Field, Alabama; Mitchel Field, New York; Randolph Field, Texas; Scott Field, Illinois; and Selfridge Field, Michigan, $61,698. BARRACKS AND QUARTERS AND OTHER BUILDINGS AND UTILITIES Construction, maFn- tenance, etc. For all expenses incident to the construction, installation, oper- ation, and maintenance of buildings, utilities, appurtenances and accessories necessary for the shelter, protection, and accommodation of the Army and its personnel and property, where not specifically provided for in other appropriations, including personal services purchase and repair of furniture for quarters for officers, warrant officers, and noncommissioned officers, and officers' messes and wall lockers and refrigerators for Government-owned buildings as may be approved by the Secretary of War, care and improvement of Rentals. grouns, flooring and framing for tents, rental of buildings, includ- ing not to exceed $900 in the District of Columbia, provided space is not available in Government-owned buildings, and grounds for military purposes, lodgings for recruits and applicants for enlist- Water, roads, etc. ment, water supply, sewer and fire-alarm systems, fire apparatus roads, walks, wharves, drainage, dredging channels, purchase of Target practice,etc. water, disposal of sewage, shooting galleries, ranges for small-arms target practice, field, mobile, and railway artillery practice, including flour for paste for marking targets, such ranges and galleries to be open as far as practicable to the National Guard and organized rifle clubs under regulations to be prescribed by the Secretary of War; Whadhonuse andfuel warehouse and fuel handling equipment; stoves required for use hag equipmentof the Army for heating offices, hospitals, barracks, quarters, recruit- Stoves and cooking ing stations, and United States disciplinary barracks, also ranges and applanes stoves for cooking food at posts, for post bakery and bake-oven equipment and apparatus and appliances for cooking and serving food when constituting fixed installations in buildings, including maintenance and repair of such heating and cooking appliances; for Heat, light, etc. furnishing heat and light for the authorized allowance of quarters for officers, enlisted men, and warrant officers, including retired enlisted men when ordered to active duty, contract surgeons when stationed at and occupying public quarters at military posts, officers of the National Guard attending service and garrison schools, and [52 STAT.