Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 52.djvu/736

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52 STAT.] 75TH CONG. , 3D SESS.-CHS. 402 -404 -JUNE 15, 1938 "(c) To administer funds appropriated, or obtained by gifts, the acceptance of which is hereby authorized, for the purpose of com- pleting, developing, and maintaining the memorial, and to pay out the same upon properly receipted vouchers to persons entitled thereto. "(d) To employ, without regard to the civil-service laws and the Classification Act of 1923, as amended, such artists, sculptors, land- scape architects, and other employees as it shall determine to be necessary to carry out the purposes of this Act. "(e) To administer, protect, and develop the memorial. "(f) To exercise such other powers and functions, including the promulgation of such rules and regulations, as may be necessary and proper to carry out the purposes of this Act. "SEC. 5. For the purpose of carrying out the provisions of this Act, there is hereby authorized to be appropriated, in addition to any sums authorized to be appropriated prior to the date of approval of this Act, the sum of $300,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary. Upon requisition of the Commission, the Secretary of the Treasury shall advance to the treasurer of the Commission out of any amounts appropriated for such purpose, such sums as may be needed by the Commission to exercise its functions. "SEC. 6. The Commission shall, on or before the first day of each regular session of Congress, transmit to Congress a report of its activities and proceedings for the preceding fiscal year, including a full and complete statement of its receipts and expenditures." Approved, June 15, 1938. [CHAPTER 403] AN ACT To authorize the attendance of the Marine Band at the National Encampment of the Grand Army of the Republic to be held at Des Moines, Iowa, September 4 to 8. inclusive, 1938. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the President is authorized to permit the band of the United States Marine Corps to attend and give concerts at the National Encampment of the Grand Army of the Republic to be held at Des Moines, Iowa, from Septem- ber 4 to 8, inclusive, 1938. SEC. 2 . For the purpose of defraying the expenses of such band in attending and giving concerts at such encampment, there is authorized to be appropriated the sum of $8,500, or so much thereof as may be necessary to carry out the provisions of this Act: Provided, That in addition to transportation and Pullman accommodations the leaders and members of the Marine Band be allowed not to exceed $5 per day each for additional living expenses while on the duty, and that the payment of such expenses shall be in addition to the pay and allowances to which they would be entitled while serving at their permanent station. Approved, June 15, 1938. [CHAPTER 404] JOINT RESOLUTION To provide for the transfer of the Cape Henry Memorial site in Fort Story, Virginia, to the Department of the Interior. Whereas the Colonial National Historical Park (formerly the Colo- nial National Monument) established under the Act of Congress approved July 3, 1930, includes Jamestown, Yorktown, and Wil- liamsburg; and 695 Administration of funds. Employment of artists, sculptors, etc. Administration,etc., of memorial. Other powers. Additional sum au- thorized. Post, p . 1128. Advance to treas- urer from funds ap- propriated. Report to Congress. June 15, 1938 [H. R. 10722] [Public, No. 630] National Encamp- ment of the Grand Army of the Repub- lic, 1938. Attendance of Ma- rine Band authorized. Appropriation au- thorized. Post, p . 1142. Proviso. Allowance for addi- tional living expenses. June 15, 1938 [8. J. Res. 243] [Pub. Res., No. 110] Cape Henry Me- morial, Fort Story, Va. Preamble. 46 Stat. 855. 16U. .C.C 443; Supp. III , §443.