Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 52.djvu/84

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52 STAT.] 75TH CONG.. 3D SESS.-CH. 30 -FEB. 16 , 1938 estimated production of type 46 tobacco during the marketing year with respect to which the determination is being made shall be used in lieu of the estimated production of such type during the calendar year in which such marketing year begins in determining the total supply of cigar-filler and cigar-binder tobacco. (c) The latest available statistics of the Federal Government shall be used by the Secretary in making the determinations required to be made by the Secretary under this Act. LOANS ON AGRICULTURAL COMMODITIES SEC. 302. (a) The Commodity Credit Corporation is authorized, upon recommendation of the Secretary and with the approval of the President, to make available loans on agricultural commodities (including dairy products). Except as otherwise provided in this section, the amount, terms, and conditions of such loans shall be fixed by the Secretary, subject to the approval of the Corporation and the President. (b) The Corporation is directed to make available to cooperators loans upon wheat during any marketing year beginning in a calendar year in which the farm price of wheat on June 15 is below 52 per centum of the parity price on such date, or the July crop estimate for wheat is in excess of a normal year's domestic consumption and exports, at rates not less than 52 per centum and not more than 75 per centum of the parity price of wheat at the beginning of the marketing year. In case marketing quotas for wheat are m effect in any marketing year, the Corporation is directed to make available, during such marketing year, to noncooperators, loans upon wheat at 60 per centum of the rate applicable to cooperators. A loan on wheat to a noncooperator shall be made only on so much of his wheat as would be subject to penalty if marketed. (c) The Corporation is directed to make available to cooperators loans upon cotton during any marketing year beginning in a cal- endar year in which the average price on August 1 of seven-eighths Middling spot cotton on the ten markets designated by the Secretary is below 52 per centum of the parity price of cotton on such date or the August crop estimate for cotton is in excess of a normal year's domestic consumption and exports, at rates not less than 52 per centum and not more than 75 per centum of the parity price of cotton as of the beginning of the marketing year. In case marketing quotas for cotton are in effect in any marketing year, the Corpora- tion is directed to make available, during such marketing year, to noncooperators, loans upon cotton at 60 per centum of the rate applicable to cooperators. A loan on cotton to a noncooperator shall be made only on so much of his cotton as would be subject to penalty if marketed. (d) The Corporation is directed to make available loans upon corn during any marketing year beginning in the calendar year in which the November crop estimate for corn is in excess of a normal year's domestic consumption and exports, or in any marketing year when on November 15 the farm price of corn is below 75 per centum of the parity price, at the following rates: 75 per centum of such parity price if such estimate does not exceed a normal year's consumption and exports and the farm price of corn is below 75 per centum of the parity price on November 15; 70 per centum of such parity price if such estimate exceeds a normal year's domestic consumption and exports by not more than 10 per centum; 43 Latest statistics to be used in making determinations. Loans on agricul- tural commodities. Authority of Com- modity Credit Cor- poration. Amount, terms, and conditions. Loans upon wheat if price below 52 per centum ofparity price. Post, p . 820. If July estimate is in excess of normal year's domestic con- sumption and exports. Loans to noncoop- erators. Limitation. Loans upon cotton, when made. Loansto noncooper- ators. Limitation. Loans upon corn, when made. Post, p. 820. Rates.