Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 52.djvu/920

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52 STAT.] 75TH CONG. , 3D SESS.-CH. 575-JUNE 22, 1938 "SEC. 69. TAKING POSSESSION OF PROPERTY; RECEIVERS. -a. When- ever a petition is filed to have a person adjudged a bankrupt and an application is made to have a receiver or a marshal take charge of the property of the bankrupt, or any part thereof, prior to the adjudication, the applicant shall file in the same court a bond in such amount as the court shall fix, with such surety as the court shall approve, conditioned to indemnify the bankrupt for such costs, counsel fees, expenses, and damages as may be occasioned by such seizure, taking, and detention of such property: Provided, That such property shall be released, if the bankrupt shall file a counter-bond in the same court in such amount as the court shall fix, with such surety as the court shall approve, conditioned that he account for and turn over such property or pay the value thereof in money at the time of seizure to the trustee, in the event the adjudication is made. "b. If the petition for adjudication be dismissed, or withdrawn by the petitioners, the court shall fix and allow to the bankrupt, to be paid by the obligors on such bond, the costs, counsel fees, expenses and damages occasioned by such seizure, taking or detention of his property, in the manner provided by section 50, subdivision n, of this Act. "c. The judge of any court of bankruptcy which has jurisdiction over a bankrupt's property within its territorial limits may, in aid of a receiver appointed in a bankruptcy proceeding pending in any other court of bankruptcy, appoint for cause shown one or more ancillary receivers. The primary receiver or, if there be more than one primary receiver, then at least one of them, shall be appointed the ancillary receiver, or, if more than one is appointed, one of the ancillary receivers. Ancillary receivers shall be subject to the jurisdiction of the ancillary court, which shall determine and may allow their costs, expenses, and compensation in like manner as provided in the case of receivers. "d. Upon the filing of a petition under this Act, a receiver or trustee, not appointed under this Act, of any of the property of a bankrupt shall be accountable to the bankruptcy court, in which the proceeding under this Act is pending, for any action taken by him subsequent to the filing of such bankruptcy petition, and shall file in such bankruptcy court a sworn schedule setting forth a summary of the property in his charge and of the liabilities of the estate, both as of the time of and since his appointment, and a sworn statement of his administration of the estate. Such receiver or trustee, with knowledge of the filing of such bankruptcy proceeding, shall not make any disbursements or take any action in the adminis- tration of such property without first obtaining authorization therefor from the bankruptcy court. "SEC. 7. TITLE TO PROPETrY.-a . The trustee of the estate of a bankrupt and his successor or successors, if any, upon his or their appointment and qualification, shall in turn be vested by operation of law with the title of the bankrupt as of the date of the filing of the petition in bankruptcy or of the original petition proposing an arrangement or plan under this Act, except insofar as it is to property which is held to be exempt, to all (1) documents relating to his property; (2) interests in patents, patent rights, copyrights, and trade-marks, and in applications therefor: Provided,That in case the trustee, within thirty days after appointment and qualification, does not notify the applicant for a patent, copyright, or trade-mark of his election to prosecute the application to allowance or rejection, the bankrupt may apply to the court for an order revesting him with the title thereto, which petition shall be granted unless for cause shown 879 Taking possession of property. Bond. Proviso. Release. Expenses allowed if petition for adjudica- tion dismissed. Ante, p. 864. Ancillary receivers. Receiver or trustee not appointed under this Act. Title to property in trustee. Exception. Provisos. Patents, copyrights, etc.