Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 52.djvu/97

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PUBLIC LAWS-CH. 30-FEB. 16, 1938 Finding and procla- mation of supplies, etc. Amount of national allotment. duction almost entirely in interstate and foreign commerce to proc- essing establishments located throughout the world at places outside the State where the cotton is produced. Fluctuations in supplies of cotton and the marketing of excessive supplies of cotton in interstate and foreign commerce disrupt the orderly marketing of cotton in such commerce with consequent injury to and destruction of such commerce. Excessive supplies of cotton directly and materially affect the volume of cotton moving in inter- state and foreign commerce and cause disparity in prices of cotton and industrial products moving in interstate and foreign commerce with consequent diminution of the volume of such commerce in industrial products. The conditions affecting the production and marketing of cotton are such that, without Federal assistance, farmers, individually or in cooperation, cannot effectively prevent the recurrence of excessive supplies of cotton and fluctuations in supplies, cannot prevent indis- criminate dumping of excessive supplies on the Nation-wide and foreign markets, cannot maintain normal carry-overs of cotton, and cannot provide for the orderly marketing of cotton in interstate and foreign commerce. It is in the interest of the general welfare that interstate and for- eign commerce in cotton be protected from the burdens caused by the marketing of excessive supplies of cotton in such commerce, that a supply of cotton be maintained which is adequate to meet domestic consumption and export requirements in years of drought, flood, and other adverse conditions as well as in years of plenty, and that the soil resources of the Nation be not wasted in the production of exces- sive supplies of cotton. The provisions of this Part affording a cooperative plan to cotton producers are necessary and appropriate to prevent the burdens on interstate and foreign commerce caused by the marketing in such commerce of excessive supplies, and to promote, foster, and maintain an orderly flow of an adequate supply of cotton in such commerce. FINDING AND PROCLAMATION OF SUPPLIES, AND SO FORTH SEC. 342. Not later than November 15 of each year the Secretary shall find and proclaim (a) the total supply, the normal supply, and the carry-over of cotton as of August 1 of such year, (b) the prob- able domestic consumption of American cotton during the marketing year commencing August 1 of such year, (c) the probable exports of American cotton during such marketing year, and (d) the esti- mated carry-over of cotton as of the next succeeding August 1. For the marketing year 1937-1938 the Secretary shall make all the find- ings and proclamations provided for in this section not later than ten days after the date of the enactment of this Act. AMOUNT OF NATIONAL ALLOTMENT SEC. 343. (a) Not later than November 15 of each year the Secre- tary shall find and proclaim the amount of the national allotment of cotton for the succeeding calendar year in terms of standard bales of five hundred pounds gross weight. The national allotment shall be the number of bales of cotton adequate, together with the esti- mated carry-over as of August 1 of such succeeding calendar year, to make available a supply of cotton, for the marketing year begin- 56 [52 STAT.