Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 53 Part 1.djvu/137

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quests, legacies, or devises reduced by the amount of such taxes. The amount of the deduction under this subsection for any transfer shall not exceed the value of the transferred property required to be included in the gross estate. SEC. 813. CREDITS AGAINST TAX. (a) GrFT TAX.- (1) REVENUE ACT OF 1924. -In case a tax has been imposed under section 319 of the Revenue Act of 1924, 43 Stat. 313, as amended by section 324 of the Revenue Act of 1926, 44 Stat. 86, upon any gift, and thereafter upon the death of the donor the amount thereof is required by any provision of this subchapter to be included in the gross estate of the decedent then there shall be credited against and applied in reduction of the estate tax, which would otherwise be chargeable against the estate of the decedent under the provisions of this sub- chapter, an amount equal to the tax paid with respect to such gift; and in the event the donor has in any year paid the tax imposed by said section 319 with respect to a gift or gifts which upon the death of the donor must be included in his gross estate and a gift or gifts not required to be so included, then the amount of the tax which shall be deemed to have been paid with respect to the gift or gifts required to be so included shall be that pro- portion of the entire tax paid on account of all such gifts which the amount of the gift or gifts required to be so included bears to the total amount of gifts in that year. (2) RLVENUE ACT OF 1932. - (A) If a tax has been paid under chapter 4 on a gift, and thereafter upon the death of the donor any amount in respect of such gift is required to be included in the value of the gross estate of the decedent for the purposes of chapter 3, then there shall be credited against the tax imposed by section 810 the amount of the tax paid under chapter 4 with respect to so much of the property which constituted the gift as is included in the gross estate, except that the amount of such credit shall not exceed an amount which bears the same ratio to the tax imposed by section 810 as the value (at the time of the gift or at the time of the death, whichever is lower) of so much of the property which constituted the gift as is included in the gross estate, bears to the value of the entire gross estate. (B) For the purposes of paragraph (A), the amount of tax paid for any year under chapter 4 with respect to any property shall be an amount which bears the same ratio to the total tax paid for such year as the value of such property bears to the total amount of net gifts (computed without deduction of the specific exemption) for such year. (b) ESTATE, SUCCESSION, LEGACY, AND INHERITANCE TAxEs.- The tax imposed by section 810 shall be credited with the amount of any estate, inheritance, legacy, or succession taxes actually paid to any State or Territory or the District of Columbia, in respect of any property included in the gross estate (not including any such taxes paid with respect to the estate of a person other than the decedent). The credit allowed by this subsection shall not exceed 80 per centum of the tax imposed by section 810 (after deducting from such tax the credits provided by section 813 (a) (2)), and shall include only such taxes as were actually paid and credit therefor claimed within four years after the filing of the return required by section 821 or 864, except that- (1) If a petition for redetermination of a deficiency has been filed with the Board of Tax Appeals within the time prescribed in section 871, then within such four-year period or before the expiration of 60 days after the decision of the Board becomes final. ESTATE TAX 125