Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 53 Part 1.djvu/207

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DOCUMENTS, OTHER INSTRUMENTS, AND PLAYING CARDS 197 liveries or transfers by a broker or his registered nominee to a cus- tomer for whom and upon whose order the broker has purchased same, nor upon deliveries or transfers by a purchasing broker to his registered nominee if the shares or certificates so delivered or trans- ferred are to be held by such nominee for the same purpose as if held by the broker, but such deliveries or transfers shall be accompanied by a certificate setting forth the facts: Provided further, That the tax shall not be imposed upon deliveries or transfers from a fiduciary to a nominee of such fiduciary, or from one nominee of such fiduciary to another, if such shares or certificates continue to be held by such nominee for the same purpose for which they would be held if re- tained by such fiduciary, or from the nominee to such fiduciary, but such deliveries or transfers shall be accompanied by a certificate set- ting forth the facts: Provided further, That in case of sale where the evidence of transfer is shown only by the books of the corpora- tion or other organization the stamp shall be placed upon such books; and where the change of ownership is by transfer of the certificate the stamp shall be placed upon the certificate; and in cases of an agreement to sell or where the transfer is by delivery of the certifi- cate assigned in blank there shall be made and delivered by the seller to the buyer a bill or memorandum of such sale, to which the stamp shall be affixed; and every bill or memorandum of sale or agreement to sell before mentioned shall show the date thereof, the name of the seller, the amount of the sale, and the matter or thing to which it refers: Providedfurther, That as used in this section the term "regis- tered nominee" shall mean any person registered with the collector in accordance with such rules and regulations as the Commissioner with the approval of the Secretary shall prescribe. The tax shall not be imposed 'upon deliveries or transfers of shares or certificates- (1) From the owner to a custodian if under a written agreement between the parties the shares or certificates are to be held or dis- posed of by such custodian for, and subject at all times to the instructions of, the owner; or from such custodian to such owner; (2) From such custodian to a registered nominee of such cus- todian, or from one such nominee to another such nominee, if in either case the shares or certificates continue to be held by such nominee for the same purpose for which they would be held if retained by such custodian; or from such nominee to such custodian. No exemption shall be granted under this paragraph unless the deliv- eries or transfers are accompanied by a certificate setting forth such facts as the Commissioner, with the approval of the Secretary, may by regulation prescribe as necessary for the evidencing of the right to such exemption. No delivery or transfer to a nominee shall be exempt under this paragraph unless such nominee, in accordance with regula- tions prescribed by the Commissioner, with the approval of the Sec- retary, is registered with the Commissioner. SEC. 1804. INSURANCE POLICIES. On each policy of insurance, or certificate, binder, covering note, memorandum, cablegram, letter, or other instrument by whatever name called whereby insurance is made or renewed upon property within the United States (including rents and profits) against peril by sea or on inland waters or in transit on land (including trans- shipments and storage at termini or way points) or by fire, light- ning, tornado, windstorm, bombardment, invasion, insurrection or riot, issued to or for or in the name of a domestic corporation or partnership or an individual resident of the United States by any foreign corporation or partnership or any individual not a resident of the United States, when such policy or other instrument is not signed or countersigned by an officer or agent of the insurer in a State, Territory, or District of the United States within which such insurer is authorized to do business, a tax of 3 cents on each dollar,