Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 53 Part 1.djvu/310

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CODIFICATION OF INTERNAL REVENUE LAWS (f) CoLLECTION OF TAX ON IMPORTED DISTILLED SPIBITS. -The in- ternal revenue tax imposed by paragraphs (1) and (2) of subsection (a) upon distilled spirits imported into the United States shall, under regulations prescribed by the Commissioner, with the approval of the Secretary, be collected and deposited in the same manner as other internal revenue taxes, except that such collection and depositing shall be by the collector of customs instead of by the collector of internal revenue. Such tax shall be in addition to any customs duty imposed under the Tariff Act of 1930, 46 Stat. 590, or any subsequent Act. Distilled spirits smuggled or brought into the United States unlawfully shall, for the purpose of this subsection and paragraphs (1) and (2) of subsection (a), be held to be imported into the United States. Section 2805 shall be applicable to the disposition of im- ported spirits. SEC. 2801. RECTIFIED SPIRITS. (a) RATE OF TAX. - For rate of tax, see section 2800 (a) (5). (b) PROOF AND VOLUME.- W hen the process of rectification is com- pleted and the taxes prescribed by section 2800 (a) (5) have been paid, it shall be unlawful for the rectifier or other dealer to reduce m proof or increase in volume such spirits or wine by the addition of water or other substance; nothing herein contained shall, however, prevent a rectifier from using again in the process of rectification spirits already rectified and upon which the taxes have theretofore been paid. (c) EXEPTION FROM TAX.- (1) CORDIALS AND LIQUEBRs.-The taxes imposed by section 2800 (a) (5) shall not attach to cordials or liqueurs on which a tax is imposed and paid under paragraph (1) or (2) of section 3030 (a), nor to the mixing and blending of wines, where such blending is for the sole purpose of perfecting such wines according to com- mercial standards, nor to blends made exclusively of two or more pure straight whiskies aged in wood for a period not less than four years and without the addition of coloring or flavoring matter or any other substance than pure water and if not reduced below ninety proof; nor to blends made exclusively of two or more pure fruit brandies distilled from the same kind of fruit aged in wood for a period not less than two years and without the addition of coloring or flavoring matter or any other substance than pure water and if not reduced below ninety proof: Provided, That such blended whiskies and blended fruit brandies shall be exempt from tax under section 2800 (a) (5) only when compounded under the immediate supervision of a revenue officer, in such tanks and under such conditions and supervision as the Commissioner, with the approval of the Secretary, may prescribe. (2) ABSOLUrTE ALCOHOL. - The process of extraction of water from high-proof spirits for the production of absolute alcohol shall not be deemed to be rectification within the meaning of section 3254 (g), and absolute alcohol shall not be subject to the tax imposed by section 2800 (a) (5), but the production of such absolute al- cohol shall be under such regulations as the Commissioner, with the approval of the Secretary, may prescribe. (d) REGULATIONS.- U SE OF DISTED SPIRITS OR WINES.-All dis- tilled spirits or wines taxable under section 2800 (a) (5) shall be subject to uniform regulations concerning the use thereof in the manufacture, blending, compounding, mixing, marking, branding, and sale of whisky and rectified spirits, and no discrimination what- soever shall be made by reason of a difference in the character of the material from which same may have been produced. 300