Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 53 Part 1.djvu/359

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cherry brandy, berry brandy, apricot brandy, prune brandy, plum brandy, pear brandy, or apple brandy for the fortification, respec- tively, of citrus-fruit wines, peach wines, cherry wines, berry wines, apricot wines, prune wines, plum wines, pear wines, or apple wines, on the premises where actually made: Provided, That after June 26, 1936, there shall be levied and assessed against the producer of such wines or citrus-fruit wines, peach wines, cherry wines, berry wines, apricot wines, prune wines, plum wines, pear wines, or apple wines (in lieu of the internal-revenue tax now imposed thereon by law) a tax of 10 cents per proof-gallon of grape brandy, citrus-fruit brandy, peach brandy, cherry brandy, berry brandy, apricot brandy, prune brandy, plum brandy, pear brandy, apple brandy, or wine spirits, whenever withdrawn and so used by him after such date in the forti- fication of such wines or citrus-fruit wines or peach wines, cherry wines, berry wines, apricot wines, prune wines, plum wines, pear wines, or apple wines during the preceding month, which assessment shall be paid by him within eighteen months from the date of notice thereof: Provided,That every producer of wine who withdraws such brandy, citrus-fruit brandy, peach brandy, cherry brandy, berry brandy, apricot brandy, prune brandy, plum brandy, pear brandy, apple brandy, or wine spirits shall give bond to fully cover at all times prior to payment of the assessment the amount of tax due on such brandy, citrus-fruit brandy, peach brandy, cherry brandy, berry brandy, apricot brandy, prune brandy, plum brandy, pear brandy, apple brandy, or wine spirits, which bond shall be in such form as the Commissioner, with the approval of the Secretary, shall, by regula- tions, prescribe. When such wines are destroyed or sold or removed for the manufacture of vinegar, or the production of dealcoholized wines containing less than one-half of 1 per centum of alcohol by volume, the tax under this section on such grape brandy, citrus-fruit brandy, peach brandy cherry brandy, berry brandy apricot brandy, prune brandy, plum brandy, pear brandy, apple brandy, or wine spirits shall, under such regulations as the Secretary may prescribe, be abated or refunded. Nothing contained in this section shall be construed as exempting any wines, citrus-fruit wines, peach wines, cherry wines, berry wines, apricot wines, prune wines, plum wines, pear wines, apple wines, cor- dials, liqueurs, or similar compounds from the payment of any tax provided for in this subchapter. Any such wines, or citrus-fruit wines, or peach wines, cherry wines, berry wines, apricot wines, prune wines, plum wines, pear wines, apple wines, may, under such regulations as the Secretary may pre- scribe, be sold or removed tax free for the manufacture of vinegar, or for the production of dealcoholized wines containing less than one- half of 1 per centum of alcohol by volume. The taxes imposed by this section shall not apply to dealcoholized wines containing less than one-half of 1 per centum of alcohol by volume. (b) Loss ALLOWANCES. - (1) LEAKAGE, EVAPORATION, ETc. -The Commissioner, under rules and regulations to be by him prescribed with the approval of the Secretary, upon the presentation of proof to his satisfaction of the loss by leakage, evaporation, theft, or otherwise of brandy or fruit spirits, intended for the fortification of wine, from storage tanks in bonded warehouses or from steel drums filled therefrom while such drums are in such warehouse, and in the fortification room of a bonded winery, not occurring as the result of any negligence, con- nivance, collusion, or fraud on the part of the winemaker or his agents, is hereby authorized to remit or refund the taxes assessed or paid upon such lost brandy or fruit spirits: Provided, however, LIQUOR 349