Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 53 Part 1.djvu/498

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492 CODIFICATION OF INTERNAL REVENUE LAWS in emergency cases or assignments in the administrative district wherein he is regularly commissioned, shall be allowed subsistence, as well as when detailed for special duty in any other or outside district. (b) TRANSFER OF POWERS AND DUTES.- For transfer of powers and duties of Commissioner and his agents, see section 3170. SEC. 4013. ASSIGNMENT. (a) To BONDED WAREHOUSES. - One or more storekeeper-gaugers shall be assigned by the Commissioner to every internal revenue bonded warehouse established by law. (b) To FRUIT DISTmLLEIES AND WINERIES.- For authority to assign a storekeeper-gauger to a fruit distillery or winery, see section 3042. (c) To SPECIAL DUTY.- Storekeeper-gaugers, when not employed upon their regular duties, may be assigned to such duties as the Com- missioner shall designate. (d) TRANSFER OF POWERS AND DTIES.- For transfer of powers and duties of Commissioner and his agents, in respect to liquor, see section 3170. SEC. 4014. TRANSFER. (a) ATrHoIIzATIoN.- The Commissioner may transfer any store- keeper-gauger from one distillery, warehouse, or other place of duty, or from one collection district to another. (b) TRANSFER Or POWERS AND DUTES. - For transfer of powers and duties of Commissioner and his agents, in respect to liquor, see section 3170. SEC. 4015. DETAIL TO OTHER DISTRICTS. (a) AUTHORIZATION. - The Commissioner is authorized to detail storekeeper-gaugers appointed in one district for special or regular duty in other districts. (b) AccouNTs.-T he accounts of storekeeper-gaugers so detailed shall be adjusted and paid in the district where they are appointed the same as if assigned to regular duty, without regard to the number of districts in which they may have been employed in any one month, the same as if all their services had been performed and expenses incurred in the district in which appointed, and the order of the Commissioner transferring storekeeper-gaugers to special work shall be accepted by the General Accounting Office as full authority for proper expenses incurred by said storekeeper-gaugers while so assigned. (c) TRANSFER OF POWERS AND DUTIES.- For transfer of powers and duties of Commissioner and his agents, in respect to liquor, see section 3170. SEC. 4016. SUSPENSION. (a) AUTHoRIZATroN. -T he Commissioner may, by notice in writing, suspend from duty any storekeeper-gauger. (b) TRANSFER OF POWERS AND DUTIES.- For transfer of powers and duties of Commissioner and his agents, in respect to liquor, see section 3170. SEC. 4017. DAILY GAUGING RETURN. (a) REQUIREMENT.- Every storekeeper-gauger shall, under such regulations as may be prescribed by the Commissioner, make a daily return to the collector of his district giving a true account in detail of all articles gauged and proved or inspected by him, and for whom, and the number and kind of stamps used by him. (b) TRANFER OF POWERS AND DUTIES. - For transfer of powers and duties of Commissioner and his agents, in respect to liquor, see section 3170.