Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 53 Part 1.djvu/622

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APPENDIX ing and for the payment of the reasonable costs and expenses incurred therein as may be allowed by the judge. SEC. 259. Upon a dismissal of a proceeding under this chapter, such prior pro- ceeding shall become reinstated, and the judge shall allow the reasonable costs and expenses under this chapter, including the allowances provided for in article XIII of this chapter, and shall make appropriate provision for the retransfer of such property to the person or persons entitled thereto upon such terms as may be equitable for the protection of the obligations incurred in the proceed- ings under this chapter by the trustee or debtor in possession, and for the pay- ment of the costs and expenses of the proceedings. ARTICLE XV---GENERAL PROVISIONS SEC. 261 . All statutes of limitation affecting claims and interests provable under this chapter and the running of all periods of time prescribed by this Act in respect to the commission of acts of bankruptcy, the recovery of prefer- ences, and the avoidance of liens and transfers shall be suspended while a proceeding under this chapter is pending and until it is finally dismissed. SEC. 262 If a proceeding under this chapter shall be dismissed, the filing of the petition shall not constitute an act of bankruptcy by the debtor. SEC. 263 . Nothing contained in this chapter shall be deemed to affect or apply to the creditors of any corporation under a mortgage insured pursuant to the National Housing Act and Acts amendatory thereof and supplementary thereto. SEC. 264 . a. The provisions of section 5 of the Securities Act of 1933 shall not apply to- (1) any security issued by the receiver, trustee, or debtor in possession pur- suant to paragraph (2) of section 116 of this Act; or (2) any transaction in any security issued pursuant to a plan in exchange for securities of or claims against the debtor or partly in such exchange and partly for cash and/or property, or issued upon exercise of any right to sub- scribe or conversion privilege so issued, except (a) transactions by an issuer or an underwriter in connection with a distribution otherwise than pursuant to the plan, and (b) transactions by a dealer as to securities constituting the whole or a part of an unsold allotment to or subscription by such dealer as a participant in a distribution of such securities by the issuer or by or through an underwriter otherwise than pursuant to the plan. b. As used in this section, the terms "security," "issuer," "underwriter," and "dealer" shall have the meanings provided in section 2 of the Securities Act of 1933, and the term "Securities Act of 1933" shall be deemed to refer to such Act as heretofore or hereafter amended. SEC. 265. a. In addition to the notices elsewhere expressly provided, the Securities and Exchange Commission shall be given notice of all other steps taken in connection with a proceeding under this chapter. Any notice which this chapter requires to be given to the Securities and Exchange Commission shall be deemed to have been sufficiently given if it is given by registered first- class mail, postage prepaid, addressed to the Securities and Exchange Com- mission at Washington, District of Columbia, or at such other place as the Securities and Exchange Commission shall designate by written notice filed in the proceeding and served upon the parties thereto. The clerk and, in the case of a reference, the referee after such reference, shall forthwith transmit to the Securities and Exchange Commission copies of (1) every petition filed under this chapter; (2) the answers thereto, if any; (3) the orders approving or dis- missing petitions; (4) the orders appointing trustees or continuing debtors in possession; (5) the orders determining the time within which the claims of creditors may be filed and allowed, and the division of creditors and stock- holders into classes according to the nature of their respective claims and stock; (6) the orders approving any plan or plans, together with copies of such plans; (7) the orders approving alterations or modifications in plans, together with copies of such alterations or modifications; (8) the orders confirming plans, together with copies of such plans; (9) all applications for allowances for com- pensation and expenses, and the orders making or refusing to make such al- lowances; (10) the orders adjudging debtors to be solvent or insolvent; (11) the orders directing liquidations of estates or dismissing proceedings; (12) and such other papers filed in the proceedings as the Securities and Exchange Commission may request or which the court may direct be transmitted to it. Copies of the opinions or reports, if any, of the judge, referee, or special master, with respect to the matters enumerated, shall also be transmitted to the Securities and Exchange Commission. b. The provisions of section 4 (b) of the Securities and Exchange Act of 1934 shall be applicable with respect to the power of the Securities and Exchange Commission to appoint and fix the compensation of such officers, attorneys, examiners, and other experts, and such other officers and employees, as may be necessary for carrying out its functions under this chapter. CXVII