Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 53 Part 2.djvu/1080

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INDEX War Department-Continued. Page Helium production and investigations, transfer of funds for, to Bureau of Mines----------_ -- -- -- -- -- - 606, 724 Horses and mules, transfer of old, to hu- mane organizations ------- _ ----_ 80S Inland Waterways Corporation, transfer of, to Department of Commerce_ 1434 Insular Affairs, Bureau of, transfer to Department of the Interior _- -- -_ 1433 Laundry charges ----------- _ _ _ --_ __ 601 Leon Springs, Tex. , acquisition of addi- tional land authorized ------ _ ---_ 1123 Long Island Railroad Co., termination of certain leases authorized ------ _ 654 Maxwell Field, Ala. , acquisition of addi- tional land authorized ---------- 1123 Middletown Air Depot Military Reserva- tion, Pa., easement for right-of-way across, for oil pipe lines, granted - 1210 Military Academy. See separate title. Military attach6s, funds available for rentals of offices, garages, etc ---- 604 Military organizations, deposit of funds of, disbanded at conclusion of World War -------------------- 597 Military reservations, etc., appropria- ation authorized for acquisition of additional land at certain--------- 1123 Morehead City Target Range, N. C . , transfer of jurisdiction over portion, to Treasury Department--------- 1204 Mounts, no additional allowance to officers owning -- __ ----- -------- 597 Munitions, educational orders for cer- tain, etc.;appropriationsauthorizcd_ 560 Appropriation for -------------- 595, 993 National cemeteries, conveyance of interest of United States in ap- proach roads to States, etc., au- thorized----------------------- 857 National Guard. See separate title. Obsolete, etc., machines and tools per- taining to manufacture of ordnance mat6riel, exchanges authorized- _- 739 Ordnance material, etc., contracts for procurement authorized ---------- 608 Organized Reserves. See separate title. Outside firms, etc., employment author- ized----.--------------------- Park Field Military Reservation, trans- fer of jurisdiction from, to Depart- ment of Agriculture --.--------- Pine Camp, N. Y ., a cquisition of addi- tional land authorized---------- Post exchanges, limitations on use of funds for ---------------------- Presidio of San Francisco Military Res- ervation, Calif., retrocession of jurisdiction over certain rights-of- way granted to State --------- 1240 1075 1123 618 1120 War Department-Continued. Public moneys, use of receipts of------ Reserve Officers' Training Corps. See separate title. Retired officers, pay forbidden to, selling supplies to the Army ----------- Rivers and harbors- Alamogordo Dam and Reservoir, Pecos River, N. Mex., uses de- clared; transfer of funds author- ized ------------- ______

Buffalo Bayou and tributaries, Tex., modification of project ------- Debris, amount of authorized allot- ment yearly for removal of ----- Exchanges of land or other property in connection with authorized works-----_____--_-_______ _. Los Angeles County Flood Control District, validity of title to lands, easements, etc., acquired; basis of opinion - -__ _-_______----_ Muskingum Watershed Conservancy District, validity of title to lands, easements, etc., acquired; basis of opinion ---------- ______----- Ohio River Basin- Flood-control plan to include Mus- kingum River Valley Dams--- Local cooperation requirements waived--------------------- Preliminary examinations and sur- veys authorized---------------- Project not authorized until adopt- edbylaw-

_____-- --.- Surveys, etc., funds available for - . Salaries limited to average rates under Classification Act; exceptions. -. Service publications, pay restriction to officers, etc., connected with, carry- ing certain advertising; exception-_ Seventh Corps Area Training Center, Iowa, acquisition of additional land authorized----------------- Stabling rentals, limitation on ------- Test purposes, purchase of materials, etc., for, authorized------------- Time-measuring devices, restriction on payment to officers, etc., using---- Transportation costs, supplies, equip- ment, etc---------------------- Union Pacific Railroad Co., license to maintain certain trackage on Fort Leavenworth Military Reservation authorized ----------- . ----- ---. Vehicles- Funds not available for certain, ex- cept for salvaging-------------- Restriction on private use--------- Veterans' Administration, transfer of funds from, authorized .--------- Page 597 597 1417 1414 1414 1414 1415 1415 1141 1417 1415 1416 1414 992 597 1123 604 1042 618 602 1001 602 618 544 CXXI