Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 53 Part 2.djvu/14

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LIST OF PUBLIC LAWS Act Res. 140 ----- Adoption proceedings, D. C. AN ACT To amend the Act entitled "An Act to regulate proceedings in adoption in the District of Columbia", approved August 25, 1937--------- 141 ----- Railroad Unemployment Insurance Act, amendments. AN ACT To amend the Railroad Unemployment Insurance Act, approved June 25, 1938--------------------------------- 142 ----- Wisconsin Avenue, D. C. AN ACT To provide for the widening of Wisconsin Avenue in the District of Columbia, and for other purposes--__--------------------------------.--- 143 ----- Buzzards Point railroad extension, D . C . AN ACT To amend section 1 of the Act entitled "An Act to authorize The Phila- delphia, Baltimore and Washington Railroad Company to extend its present track connection with the United States navy yard so as to provide adequate railroad facilities in con- nection with the development of Buzzards Point as an indus- trial area in the District of Columbia, and for other pur- poses", approved June 18, 1932 (Public, Numbered 187, Seventy-second Congress) -

_ -- ----- --- 144 ----- Doctors' Hospital, Inc., D. C . AN ACT To grant permission for the construction, maintenance, and use of a certain under- ground conduit for electrical lines in the District of Columbia. 145 ---- Vehicle operators' licenses, D. C. AN ACT To amend the Dis- trict of Columbia Traffic Act of 1925 (43 Stat. 1119)------ 146 ----- Alien veterans of World War. AN ACT To extend further time for naturalization to alien veterans of the World War under the Act approved May 25, 1932 (47 Stat. 165), to extend the same privileges to certain veterans of countries allied with the United States during the World War, and for other purposes- 147 ----- Choctaw Indians of Mississippi,lands. AN ACT To define the status of certain lands purchased for the Choctaw Indians, Mississippi --


148 ----- Central Heating Plant, D. C . AN ACT To authorize the fur- nishing of steam from the Central Heating Plant to the District of Columbia----------------------------------------- 23 International Congress for the Rheumatic Diseases, Se:,enth. JOINT RESOLUTION To provide that the United States extend to foreign governments invitations to participate in the Seventh International Congress for the Rheumatic Dis- eases to be held in the United States during the calendar year 1940, and to authorize an appropriation to assist in meeting the expenses of the session ------ --- ------ ------ ----- - 149 ----- Agricultural Adjustment Act of 1938, amendment. AN ACT To amend the Agricultural Adjustment Act of 1938, as amended -

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150 --_ _- Agricultural Marketing Act, interest rates on loans. AN ACT To ratify and confirm certain interest rates on loans made from the revolving fund authorized by section 6 of the Agri- cultural Marketing Act, approved June 15, 1929 (46 Stat. 11), and for other purposes----..... --........----------- 151 ----- Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act, amendments. AN ACT To provide for temporary postponement of the operations of certain provisions of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act --------------.---------------------------------- 152 ----- Coast Guard Reserve Act of 1939. AN ACT To establish a Coast Guard Reserve to be composed of owners of motor- boats and yachts-------------------------- __----_- 153 ----- Civilian Pilot Training Act of 1939. AN ACT To provide for the training of civil aircraft pilots, and for other purposes__ - 154 ----- War Department Civil Appropriation Act, 1940. AN ACT Making appropriations for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1940, for civil functions administered by the War Depart- ment, and for other purposes -----------. ----- _-_ -- __ __ 155 ----- Revenue Act of 1939. AN ACT To provide revenue, equalize taxation, and for other purposes ------------------------ 156 ----- Departments of State, Justice, and Commerce, etc. , appropriations, 1940. AN ACT Making appropriations for the Departments of State and Justice and for the Judiciary, and for the Depart- ment of Commerce, for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1940, and for other purposes------- -- ---------- --- 157 ----- Department of Labor Appropriation Act, 1940. AN ACT Making appropriations for the Labor Department for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1940, and for other purposes - - Date June 20, 1939--- Page 844 June 20,1939--- 845 June 20,1939--- June 20, 1939--- June 20, 1939--- June 20,1939--- 849 849 850 850 June 21, 1939 -- 851 June 21,1939--- 851 June 21,1939 -- 852 June 21,1939- _ _ 852 June 22,1939- __ 853 June 22,1939___ 853 June 23,1939--- 853 June 23,1939___ 854 June 27,1939- _ - 855 June 28,1939-- _ 856 June 29,1939__ 862 June 29,1939-_ _ 885 June 29,1939- _- 920 xiv