Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 53 Part 2.djvu/243

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53 STAT.] 76TH CONG. , 1ST SESS.-CEH. 119-MAY 10, 1939 Pine River project 2 Colorado, and the Colorado River project, Texas) under the reclamation law: Central Valley project, California, $10,000,000: Provided, That this appropriation and the unexpended balances of appropriations heretofore made for the construction of this project shall be available until expended and shall be accounted for as one fund, entitled "Central Valley project, California"; Pine River project, Colorado, $1,000,000; Colorado River project, Texas, $5,000,000, together with the unex- pended balance of the appropriation of $2,030,000 under this head in the Interior Department Appropriation Act, fiscal year 1939: Provided, That the Secretary of the Interior by contracts entered into pursuant to the authority of the Act of August 26, 1937 (50 Stat. 844, 850), shall require reimbursement of expenditures for construc- tion of Marshall Ford Dam, to the extent and in the manner deter- mined by him; Grand Coulee Dam project, Washington: For continuation of con- struction of Grand Coulee Dam and appurtenant works, $23,000,000, of which not to exceed $350,000 may be used for the purposes set out in section 2 of the Act of May 27, 1937 (50 Stat. 208) : Provided,That this appropriation and the unexpended balances of appropriations heretofore made for the construction of this project shall be available until expended and shall be accounted for as one fund, entitled "Grand Coulee Dam project, Washington"; Cooperative investigations: The appropriation of $200,000 for cooperative investigations, contained in the Interior Department Appropriation Act, fiscal year 1939, shall remain available for the same purposes until expended; For administrative expenses on account of the above projects, including personal services in the District of Columbia and in the field $700,000, in addition to and for the same objects of expenditure as are hereinbefore enumerated in paragraphs 2 and 3 under the caption "Bureau of Reclamation"; in all, $39,700,000: Provided, That of this amount not to exceed $50,000 may be expended for personal services in the District of Columbia. WATER CONSERVATION AND UTILITY PROJECTS For construction, in addition to labor and materials to be supplied by the Works Progress Administration, of water conservation and utilization projects, including acquisition of water rights, rights-of- way, and other interests in land, in the Great Plains and arid and semiarid areas of the United States, to be immediately available, $5,000,000, to be allocated by the President, in such amounts as he deems necessary, to such Federal Departments, establishments, and other agencies as he may designate, and to be reimbursed to the United States by the water users on such projects in not to exceed forty annual installments: Provided, That expenditures from Works Progress Administration funds shall be subject to such provisions with respect to reimbursability as the President may determine. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY For every expenditure requisite for and incident to the authorized work of the Geological Survey, including personal services in the District of Columbia and in the field, including not to exceed $40,000 for the purchase and exchange, and not to exceed $65,000 for the hire, maintenance, repair, and operation of motor-propelled and horse- drawn passenger-carrying vehicles for field use only by geologists, topographers, engineers, and land classifiers, and the Geological 719 Central Valley, Calif. Proviso. Funds available; ac- counting. Pine River, Colo. Colorado River, Tex. 52 Stat. 324. Proviso. Reimbursement, Marshall Ford Dam. 50 Stat. 850 . Grand Coulee Dam, Wash. Surveys, etc. 50 Stat. 210 . Proviso. Funds available; accounting. Cooperative inves- tigations. Reappropriation. 52 Stat. 324. Administrative ex- penses. Ante, p. 714. Proviso. Services in the Dis- trict. Construction, etc. in Great Plains and arid, etc., areas. Allocations. Reimbursement by water users. Proviso. Reimbursability, expenditures from Works Progress Al- ministration funds. General expenses. Vehicles.