Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 53 Part 2.djvu/305

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53 STAT.] 76TH CONG., 1ST SESS.-CH. 149-MAY 25, 1939 Department library; for purchase of photographs, maps, documents, and pictorial records of the Navy, photostating and other necessary incidental expenses in connection with the preparation for publication of the naval records of the war with the Central Powers of Europe; for stationery, furniture, newspapers, plans, drawings, and drawing materials; purchase and exchange of motortrucks or motor-delivery wagons, maintenance, repair, and operation of motortrucks or motor- delivery wagons; garage rent; streetcar fares; freight, expressage, postage, typewriters, and computing machines, and other absolutely necessary expenses of the Navy Department and its various bureaus and offices, $148,000: Provided, That it shall not be lawful to expend, unless otherwise specifically provided herein, for any of the offices or bureaus of the Navy Department in the District of Columbia, any sum out of appropriations made for the naval service for any of the purposes mentioned or authorized in this paragraph. PRINTING AND BINDING For printing and binding for the Navy Department and the Naval Establishment (including the Hydrographic Office and the Naval Reserve Officers' Training Corps) executed at the Government Print- ing Office, $600,000. PRINTING HISTORICAL AND NAVAL DOCUMENTS For continuing the printing of historical and naval documents, including composition, clerical copying in the Navy Department, and other preparatory work, in accordance with the provisions of the appropriation made for the commencement of this work as contained in the Naval Appropriation Act for the fiscal year 1935, $12,000, together with the unexpended balance for this purpose for the fiscal year 1939: 'Provided,That nothing in such Act shall preclude the Public Printer from furnishing one hundred and fifty copies of each volume published to the Library of Congress. CONTINGENT AND MISCELLANEOUS EXPENSES, IIYDROGRAPIIIO OFFICE For purchase and printing of nautical books, charts, and sailing directions, copper plates, steel plates, chart paper, packing boxes, chart portfolios, electrotyping copper plates, cleaning copper plates; tools, instruments, power, and material for drawing, engraving, and printing; materials for and mounting charts; reduction of charts by photography; photolithographing charts for immediate use; transfer of photolithographic and other charts to copper; purchase of equip- ment for the storage of plates used in making charts and for the stor- age of Hydrographic Office charts and publications; modernization, care, and repair to printing presses, furniture, instruments, and tools; extra drawing and engraving; translating from foreign languages; telegrams on public business; preparation of pilot charts and their supplements, and printing and mailing same; purchase of data for charts and sailing directions and other nautical publications; books of reference and works and periodicals relating to hydrography, marine meteorology, navigation, surveying, oceanography, and terrestrial magnetism, and to other professional and technical subjects connected with the work of the Hydrographic Office, $62,000. For contingent expenses of branch hydrographic offices at Boston, New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Norfolk, Savannah, New Orleans, San Francisco, Portland (Oregon), Portland (Maine), Chi- cago, Cleveland, Detroit, Buffalo, Duluth, Sault Sainte Marie, Seattle, Panama, San Juan (Puerto Rico), Los Angeles, Honolulu, and Gal- 781 Naval records of World War. Proviso. Naval service ap- propriations not to be used for Department expenses; exception. Printing and bind- ing. Historical and naval documents. 48 Stat. 414 . Unexpended bal- ance reappropriated. Proviso. Copies to Library of Congress. ('ontingtelt Ia Ill is collanleolls expenses..' . Charts. et. Branch offices.