Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 53 Part 2.djvu/332

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808 National mortgage associations. 48 Stat. 1253 . 12 US. C. § .1716 (b). Issuance of certifi- cate of approval to incorporators of. 48 Stat. 1253. 12U. .C. 1716(c). Operations of na- tional mortgage as- sociations; areas ex- tended. PUBLIC LAWS-CHS. 175, 176, 180-JUNE 3, 5 , 1939 [53 STAT. thereafter, a sum sufficient to meet all necessary expenses of the Department of Labor in making the determinations provided for in subsection (a)." SEC. 15. The last sentence of section 301 (b) of such Act, as amended, is amended to read as follows: "If the Administrator is of the opinion that the establishment of such an association is desirable to provide a market for mortgages insured under title II and is in the public interest, that the incorporators transmitting the articles of association are responsible persons, and that such articles of asso- ciation are satisfactory in all respects, he may issue or cause to be issued to such incorporators a certificate of approval, and the associa- tion shall become, as of the date of issuance of such certificate, a body corporate by the name set forth in its articles of association." SEC. 16. Paragraph (4) of section 301 (c) of such Act, as amended, is amended to read as follows: "(4) To conduct its business in any State of the United States, or in the District of Columbia, Alaska, Hawaii, or Puerto Rico, and to have one or more officers in such State, or in the District of Columbia, Alaska, Hawaii, or Puerto Rico, one of which officers shall be desig- nated at the time of organization as its principal office." Approved, June 3, 1939. [CHAPTER 176] AN ACT June 3, 1939 [H. R. 5485] Permitting the War Department to transfer old horses and mules to the care of [Public, No. 112] reputable humane organizations. Government horses and mules. 52 Stat. 693. 40 U. S. C., Supp. IV, § 311b. Disposition of un- serviceable. 45 Stat. 1030. 40 U.S. C. 311a. Transfer of, to care of reputable humane organizations. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Act of June 15,1938, to require that horses and mules belonging to the United States which have become unfit for service be destroyed or put to pasture, be amended to read as follows: "That notwithstanding the first proviso in the fourth paragraph under the heading 'Division of Supply' in title I of the Act entitled 'An Act making appropriations for the Treasury and Post Office Departments for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1930, and for other purposes', approved December 20, 1928 (45 Stat. 1030), horses and mules belonging to the United States which have become unfit for service may be destroyed or put out to pasture, either on the pastures belonging to the United States Government or those belonging to financially sound and reputable humane organizations whose facilities permit them to care for them during the remainder of their natural life, at no cost to the Government." Approved, June 3, 1939. [CHAPTER 180] AN ACT June 5, 1939 [S. 23141 To establish the position of Under Secretary in the Department of Commerce. [Public. No. 1131

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- Department of Commerce. Under Secretary; position established, compensation, ap- pointment. Duties, etc. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That there is hereby established in the Department of Commerce the position of Under Secretary of Commerce with compensation at the rate of $10,000 per annum and with appointment thereto by the President, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate. SEe. 2 . Such Under Secretary shall perform the duties of the Secretary of Commerce in the case of absence or sickness of the Secretary, or in the case of the death or resignation of the Secretary until a successor is appointed.