Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 53 Part 2.djvu/334

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810 PUBLIC LAWS-CHS. 185, 186 -JUNE 6, 1939 [CHAPTER 1851 June 6, 1939 [H. R . 3646] [Public, No. 115] Oaths to expense ac- counts. 37 Stat. 487 . SU.S. C. §97. Officers and em- ployees authorized to administer. [53 STAT. AN ACT To authorize certain officers and employees to administer oaths to expense accounts. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That section 8 of the Sundry Civil Appropriation Act for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1913, approved August 24, 1912 (37 Stat. 487), be, and it is hereby, amended to read as follows: "SEc. 8 . Postmasters, assistant postmasters, collectors of customs, collectors of internal revenue, chief clerks of the various executive departments, independent establishments, and other Government agencies, or of bureaus thereof, the superintendent, the acting superin- tendent, custodian, and principal clerks of the various national parks and other Government reservations, superintendent, acting superin- tendent, and principal clerks of the different Indian superintendencies or Indian agencies, chiefs of field parties, and any officer or employee of any executive department, independent establishment, or other Gov- ernment agency, in the District of Columbia or elsewhere, who shall have been designated in writing for such purpose by the head of the department, establishment, or agency concerned, are required, empow- ered, and authorized, when requested, to administer oaths, required by law or otherwise, to accounts for travel or other expenses against the United States, with like force and effect as officers having a seal; for such services when so rendered, or when rendered on demand by notaries public, who at the time are also salaried officers or employees of the United States, no charge shall be made; and no fee or money paid for the services herein described shall be paid or reimbursed by the United States." Approved, June 6, 1939. [CHAPTER 186] June 6, 139 [H. R. 5766] [Public, No. 116] Merchant Marine Act, 1936, amend- ments. 49Stat. 2000; 52 Stat. 959. 46 U. S. C., Supp. IV, 11159. Construction of new vessels. Terms and condi- tions; no construction- differential subsidy al- lowed. Payment require- ments on designated vessels. AN ACT To amend section 509 of the Merchant Marine Act, 1936, as amended. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That section 509 of the Merchant Marine Act 1936, as amended (52 Stat. 959; U. S . C., 1934 edition, Supp. IV title 46, sec. 1159), is amended as follows: (1) By amending the second sentence thereof to read as follows: "If such application is approved by the Commission, the vessel may be constructed under the terms and conditions of this title, but no construction-differential subsidy shall be allowed."; and (2) By amending so much of the fourth sentence thereof as pre- cedes the first semicolon therein to read as follows: "In case the vessel is designed to be of not less than three thousand five hundred gross tons and to be capable of a sustained speed of not less than fourteen knots, the applicant shall be required to pay the Commission not less than 12Y2 per centum of the cost of such vessel, and in the case of any other vessel the applicant shall be required to pay the Commission not less than 25 per centum of the cost of such vessel (excluding from such cost, in either case, the cost of national-defense features) ;. Approved, June 6, 1939.