Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 53 Part 2.djvu/340

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PUBLIC LAWS-CHS. 198-200- -JUNE 13, 1939 (offset 9.0 feet north), south 40 degrees 00 minutes west 354.75 feet to monument numbered 38, thence south 27 degrees 00 minutes east 1,023.0 feet to monument numbered 39, thence north 73 degrees 30 minutes east, 1,518.0 feet to monument numbered 40, thence north 52 degrees 00 minutes east 330.0 feet to monument numbered 41, thence along a proposed boundary line north 19 degrees 51 minutes east 1,684.5 feet to point A.1, thence north 52 degrees 20 minutes east 1,107.0 feet to point A.2, thence north 39 degrees 26 minutes east 717.5 feet to a point A.3, thence north 26 degrees 11 minutes east 1,978.0 feet to concrete monument numbered 10, the point of begin- ning, it being the intent of this Act to add to the Shenandoah National Park all that portion of the Front Royal Quartermaster Depot Military Reservation lying west of a line between monuments numbered 41 and 10, as described by the last four courses of the above description. The tract as described contains an area 977% acres, more or less. Approved, June 13, 1939. [CHAPTER 199] AN ACT June 13, 1939 Is. 12431 To authorize the use of War Department equipment for the Confederate Veterans' [Public, No. 123] 1939 reunion at Trinidad, Colorado, August 22, 23, 24, and 25, 1939. United Confederate Veterans. Loan of War De- partment equipment for reunion at Trini. dad, Colo. Provisos. No Federal expense. Bond. June 13, 1939 [S. 1409] [Public, No. 124] Pemaquid Point Lighthouse Reserva- tion, Maine. Conveyance of por- tion to Bristol, Maine. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of War be, and he is hereby, authorized to lend, at his discretion, to the reunion committee of the United Confederate Veterans, for use at the National Confederate Veterans' reunion, to be held at Trini- dad, Colorado, August 22, 23, 24, and 25, 1939, two hospital ward tents, with all pegs, poles, and equipment necessary for their erection; one storage tent complete with all equipment; one large wall tent complete with all equipment; six small wall tents complete with all equipment; ten pyramidal tents complete with all equipment; fifty 14-quart G. I . buckets; two thousand blankets, olive drab, wool; one thousand cots, iron; one thousand comforters; one thousand cotton- felted pillows complete with cotton pillowcases; two thousand cotton bedsheets: Provided, That no expense shall be caused the United States Government by the delivery and return of said property; the same to be delivered from the nearest quartermaster depot at such time prior to the holding of said reunion as may be agreed upon by the Secretary of War and the Confederate Reunion Committee: Pro- vided further, That the Secretary of War, before delivery of such property, shall take from said reunion committee of the United Con- federate Veterans a good and sufficient bond for the safe return of said property in good order and condition, and the whole without expense to the United States. Approved, June 13, 1939. [CHAPTER 200] AN ACT To authorize the conveyance by the United States to the town of Bristol, Maine, of a portion of the Pemaquid Point Lighthouse Reservation, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That, subject to the conditions hereinafter specified, the Secretary of the Treasury is authorized to convey at any time within three years of the effective date of this Act to the town of Bristol, Maine, for public-park pur- [53 STAT.