Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 53 Part 2.djvu/352

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PUBLIC LAWS-CH. 208 -JUNE 16, 1939 Salaries. Police force, House Office Building. OFFICE OF SERGEANT AT ARMS Salaries: Sergeant at Arms, $8,000; Deputy Sergeant at Arms in charge of mace, $3,180; cashier, $6,000; assistant cashier, $4,000; two bookkeepers, at $3,360 each; Deputy Sergeant at Arms in charge of pairs, $3,600; pair clerk and messenger, $2,820; stenographer and typewriter, $1,800; skilled laborer, $1,380; hire of automobile, $600; in all, $38,100. Police force, House Office Building, under the Sergeant at Arms: Lieutenant, $1,740; sergeant, $1,680; thirty-seven privates at $1,620 each; in all, $63,360. OFFICE OF DOORKEEPER Salaries. Salaries: Doorkeeper, $6,000; special employee, $2,820; superin- tendent of House press gallery, $3,660; assistants to the superintend- ent of the House press gallery-one at $2,520 and one at $2,400; chief janitor, $2,700; messengers-one chief messenger, $2,240, sixteen messengers at $1,740 each, fourteen on soldiers' roll at $1,740 each; laborers -eventeen at $1,260 each, two (cloakroom) at $1,380 each, one (cloakroom), $1,260, and seven (cloakroom) at $1,140 each; three female attendants in ladies' retiring rooms at $1,680 each Folding room. attendant for the ladies' reception room, $1,440; superintendent of folding room, $3,180; foreman of folding room, $2,640; chief clerk to superintendent of folding room, $2,460; three clerks at $2,160 each; janitor, $1,260; laborer, $1,260; thirty-one folders at $1,440 Pages. each; shipping clerk, $1,740; two drivers at $1,380 each; two chief pages at $1,980 each; two telephone pages at $1,680 each; two floor managers of telephones (one for the minority) at $3,180 each; two assistant floor managers in charge of telephones (one for the minority) at $2,100 each; forty-eight pages during the session, including ten pages for duty at the entrances to the Hall of the House and one for duty in the Committee on Appropriations to be appointed by the Chairman of such committee, at $4 per day each, Document room. $34,944; superintendent of document room (Elmer A. Lewis), $3,960 and $1,040 additional so long as the position is held by the present incumbent; assistant superintendent of document room, $2,760 and $420 additional so long as the position is held by the present incum- bent; clerk, $2,320; assistant clerk, $2,160; eight assistants at $1,860 each; janitor, $1,440; messenger to press room, $1,560; maintenance and repair of folding room motortruck, $500; in all, $264,724. SPECIAL AND MINORITY EMPLOYEES Minority employ- ees. Special employees. Appointment of suc- cessors. Office of majority floor leader. For the minority employees authorized and named in the House Resolutions Numbered 51 and 53 of December 11, 1931, and Num- bered 281 of July 21, 1937: Two at $5,000 each, three at $2,820 each; one at $3,600 (minority pair clerk, House Resolution Numbered 313 of August 7, 1935); in all, $22,060. Special employees: Assistant foreman of the folding room, author- ized in the resolution of September 30, 1913, $1,980; laborer, author- ized and named in the resolution of April 28, 1914, $1,380; laborer, $1,380; in all, $4,740. Successors to any of the employees provided for in the two preced- ing paragraphs may be named by the House of Representatives at any time. Office of majority floor leader: Legislative clerk, $3,110; clerk, $2,530; two assistant clerks, at $1,800 each; for official expenses of the majority leader, as authorized by House Resolution Numbered 101, Seventy-first Congress, adopted December 18, 1929, $2,000; in all, $11,240. 828 [53 STAT.