Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 53 Part 2.djvu/381

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53 STAT.] 76TH CONG., 1ST SESS. -CH. 246-JUNE 28, 1939 QUARTERMASTER CORPS CEMETERIAL EXPENSES For maintaining and improving national cemeteries, including fuel for and pay of superintendents and the superintendent at Mexico City, and other employees; purchase of land; purchase of tools and materials; purchase and exchange of two passenger-carrying motor vehicles; repair, maintenance, and operation of passenger-carrying motor vehicles; care and maintenance of the Arlington Memorial Amphitheater, chapel, and grounds in the Arlington National Ceme- tery, and that portion of Congressional Cemetery to which the United States has title and the graves of those buried therein, including Confederate graves, and including the burial site of Pushmataha, a Choctaw Indian chief; repair to roadways but not to more than a single approach road to any national cemetery constructed under special Act of Congress; headstones for unmarked graves of soldiers, sailors, and marines under the Acts approved March 3, 1873 (24 U. S. C. 279), February 3, 1879 (24 U. S. C. 280), March 9, 1906 (34 Stat. 56), March 14, 1914 (38 Stat. 768), and February 26, 1929 (24 U. S. C. 280a), and civilians interred in post cemeteries; recovery of bodies and disposition of remains of military personnel and civil- ian employees of the Army under Act approved March 9, 1928 (10 U. S. C. 916); travel allowances of attendants accompanying remains of military personnel and civilian employees; for repairs and preser- vation of monuments, tablets, roads, fences, and so forth, made and constructed by the United States in Cuba and China to mark the places where American soldiers fell; care, protection, and mainte- nance of the Confederate Mound in Oakwood Cemetery at Chicago, the Confederate Stockade Cemetery at Johnstons Island, the Con- federate burial plats owned by the United States in Confederate Cemetery at North Alton, the Confederate Cemetery, Camp Chase, at Columbus, the Confederate Cemetery at Point Lookout, and the Confederate Cemetery at Rock Island; and for care and maintenance of graves used by the Army for burials in commercial cemeteries, $1,449,960, and in addition, $136,254 of the appropriation, "Ceme- terial Expenses, War Department, 1939", such amount of such appro- priation being hereby reappropriated: Provided, That no railroad shall be permitted upon any right-of-way which may have been acquired by the United States leading to a national cemetery, or to encroach upon any roads or walks constructed thereon and main- tained by the United States: Provided further, That no part of this appropriation shall be used for repairing any roadway not owned by the United States within the corporate limits of any city, town, or village. The Secretary of War is authorized to convey to any State, county, municipality, or proper agency thereof, in which the same is located, all the right, title, and interest of the United States in and to any Government owned or controlled approach road to any national cemetery: Provided, That prior to the delivery of any instrument of conveyance hereunder, the State, county, municipality, or agency to which the conveyance herein authorized is to be made, shall notify the Secretary of War in writing of its willingness to accept and main- tain the road included in such conveyance: Provided further, That upon the execution and delivery of any conveyance herein authorized, the jurisdiction of the United States of America over the road con- veyed, shall cease and determine and shall thereafter vest in the State in which said road is located. 857 Maintenance, provement, etc. im- Vehicles. Arlington National Cemetery, Va. Plot in Congression- al Cemetery, D. C . Roadways; limita- tion. Headstones. 17 Stat. 545; 20 Stat. 281; 34 Stat. 56; 38 Stat. 768; 45 Stat. 1307. 24 U. S. C.§§ 279, 280, 280a. Recovery of bodies, etc. 45 Stat. 251 . 10U..c. §916; Supp. IV, § 916. Monuments, etc., in Cuba and China. Confederate ceme- teries, etc. 52 Stat. 617. Procisos. Encroachments for- bidden. Roadway repairs, restriction. Conveyance to State, etc., of U. S. interest in any ap- proach road to na- tional cemetery. Prorisos. Conditions. Transfer of jurisdic- tion.