Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 53 Part 2.djvu/486

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PUBLIC LAWS-CH. 253 -JUNE 30, 1939 Foreign parasites. Control investiga- tions. Insecticide and fun- gicide investigations. Transit inspection. 37 Stat. 315. 7U.S.C.§§161, 164a. Foreign plant quar- antines. Mexican cotton, etc. Inspection, cleaning, etc. Proviso. Receipts covered in- to Treasury. Certification of ex- ports. Proviso. Receipts covered in- to Treasury. Insect pests and plant diseases, con - trol. Ante, p. 514. Personal services. Vehicles. related phases of insect-pest control and the maintenance of an insect-pest survey for the collection and dissemination of informa- tion to Federal, State, and other agencies concerned with insect-pest control, $154,790. Foreign parasites: For administrative expenses in connection with the introduction of natural enemies of injurious insects and related pests and for the exchange with other countries of useful and bene- ficial insects and other arthropods, $38,000. Control investigations: For developing equipment or apparatus to aid in enforcing plant quarantines, eradication and control of plant pests, determining methods of disinfecting plants and plant products to eliminate injurious pests, determining the toxicity of insecticides, and related phases of insect-pest control, $67,518. Insecticide and fungicide investigations: For the investigation and development of methods of manufacturing insecticides and fungi- cides, and for investigating chemical problems relating to the com- position, action, and application of insecticides and fungicides, $134,984. Transit inspection: For the inspection in transit or otherwise of articles quarantined under the Act of August 20, 1912 (7 U. S . C. 161, 164a), as amended, and for the interception and disposition of materials found to have been transported interstate in violation of quarantines promulgated thereunder, $44,059. Foreign plant quarantines: For enforcement of foreign plant quarantines, at the port of entry and port of export, and to prevent the movement of cotton and cottonseed from Mexico into the United States, including the regulation of the entry into the United States of railway cars and other vehicles, and freight, express, baggage, or other materials from Mexico, and the inspection, cleaning, and disin- fection thereof, including construction and repair of necessary build- ings, plants, and equipment, for the fumigation, disinfection, or cleaning of products, railway cars, or other vehicles entering the United States from Mexico, $680,000: Provided, That any moneys received in payment of charges fixed by the Secretary of Agriculture on account of such cleaning and disinfection shall be covered into the Treasury as miscellaneous receipts. Certification of exports: For the inspection, under such rules and regulations as the Secretary of Agriculture may prescribe, of domestic plants and plant products when offered for export and to certify to shippers and interested parties as to the freedom of such products from injurious plant diseases and insect pests according to the sani- tary requirements of the foreign countries affected and to make such reasonable charges and to use such means as may be necessary to accomplish this object, $31,862: Provided, That moneys received on account of such inspection and certification shall be covered into the Treasury as miscellaneous receipts. Control of incipient and emergency outbreaks of insect pests and plant diseases: Not to exceed $400,000 of the funds appropriated under this head in the First Deficiency Appropriation Act, fiscal year 1939 (Public, Numbered 7, Seventy-sixth Congress), approved March 15, 1939, shall remain available until June 30, 1940. Total salaries and expenses, Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine, $6,199,809, of which amount not to exceed $879,986 may be expended for personal services in the District of Columbia, and not to exceed $40,900 shall be available for the purchase of motor- propelled and horse-drawn passenger-carrying vehicles necessary in the conduct of field work outside the District of Columbia. 962 [53 STAT.