Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 53 Part 2.djvu/525

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53STAT.] 76TH CONG. , 1ST SESS.-CHS. 267, 268-JULY 14, 1939 [CHAPTER 267] AN ACT To provide for the status cf warrant officers and of enlisted men of the Regular Army who serve as commissioned officers. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That hereafter any warrant officer or enlisted man of the Regular Army who shall serve on active duty as a Reserve officer of the Army of the United States or who shall be discharged to accept a commission in the Army of the United States and whose active service as a commis- sioned officer shall terminate honorably, shall be entitled, without regard to any physical disqualification incurred, or having its inception, while on active duty in line of duty, to reappointment as warrant officer or to reenlistment in the grade held prior to such commissioned service, without loss of service or seniority and with- out regard to whether a vacancy exists in the grade of warrant officer or in the appropriate enlisted grade: Provided, That applica- tion for reappointment or reenlistment shall be made within six months after the termination of such commissioned service in each case: Provided further, That warrant officers and enlisted men of the Regular Army shall be entitled to count active commis- sioned service in the Army of the United States as warrant or enlisted service for all purposes. SEC. 2. The Act approved March 30, 1918 (40 Stat. 501), is hereby repealed. Approved, July 14, 1939. [CHAPTER 268] AN ACT Authorizing the Secretary of War to grant a revocable license to the Union Pacific Railroad Company to maintain certain railroad trackage on the Fort Leaven- worth Military Reservation. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Represen.tatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of War (hereinafter referred to as the Secretary) is authorized to grant to the Union Pacific Railroad Company and its successors in interest a license to maintain, operate, repair, renew, alld reconstlruct, at its own expense, upon the Fort Leavenworth Military Reservation suclh railroad trackage as, in the opinion of the Secretary, will not conflict with the use of such reservation for any governmental pur- pose: Provided, however, Thlat nothing herein, or in such license, shall be construed as relieving said railroad company of compliance with any of the provisions of the Interstate Commerce Act, as amended, or as it may hereafter be amended. Any license so granted shall (1) be revocable at the will of the Secretary, (2) provide that the Secretary may, in lieu of revoking such license, require the grantee to relocate any such trackage for the purpose of preventing such trackage from interfering with the use of such reservation for governmental purposes, and (3) provide that the privileges granted thereby shall be exercised subject to such rules and regulations as the Secretary, or the commanding officer at such reservation with the approval of the Secretary, may prescribe in the interests of mainte- nance of good order, sanitation, discipline, public safety, and the interests of the United States. Approved, July 14, 1939. 1001 July 14. 1939 IS. 1111] [Public, No. 1701 Regular Army. Warrant otticers and enlisted men of, ser- vice as commissioned officers; status. Provisos. Time limitation on application. Service credits. Act repealed. 40 Stat. 501. 10U.S.C.§§631, 955. July 14, 1939 [S. 13 .071 [Public, No. 1711 Fort I.cavcnworlh M. ilitary liescrvation, K lls. .ice'nso tI, Union PI'aillc ltilroa (Co. , 1to 111intain i('rtalin trnckago on, author- ized. Proriso. Subject to Inter- state Comnmeirce Act. Revocation. Relocation of track- age. Privileges granted subject to regulations.