Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 53 Part 2.djvu/544

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PUBLIC LAWS-CH. 281 -JULY 15, 1939 Police force, and the fire department of the District of Columbia" 43 Stat. 175; 46 (43 Stat. 175), as amended by the Act of July 1, 1930 (46 Stat. 839 - Stat. 839. Prorisos. 841), $2,186,000: Provided,That no appointment shall be made during pointments. the fiscal year 1940 in the grade of private until sixteen vacancies exist in such grade, and fifteen of such vacancies shall not be filled Survey of possible during such fiscal year: Provided further, That the Commissioners consolidation, etc., of ring stations of the District of Columbia are hereby directed to cause a survey to be made for the purpose of determining what consolidations of present fire department stations can be effected and as a result thereof what, if any, economies may be made in the cost of operating the fire department, and what additional amount would be needed for Report to Congress. new construction, a report of such survey to be made and submitted to Congress on the first day of the next regular session of Congress. Personalservices. For personal services, $5,740. Repairs, etc. Uniforms. Repairs to appara- tus,etc. Proviso. Construction at re- pairshop. Hose. Fuel. Contingent expenses. New apparatus, etc. Proriso. Exchange of appara- tus to be replaced. MISCELLANEOUS For repairs and improvements to buildings and grounds, $20,000. Uniforms: For furnishing uniforms and other official equipment prescribed by department regulations as necessary and requisite in the performance of duty to officers and members of the fire department, including cleaning, alteration, and repair of articles transferred from one individual to another, $21,750. For repairs to apparatus, motor vehicles, and other motor-driven apparatus, fireboat and for new apparatus, new motor vehicles, new appliances, employment of mechanics, helpers, and laborers in the fire department repair shop, and for the purchase of necessary sup- plies, materials, equipment, and tools, $37,500: Provided, That the Commissioners are authorized, in their discretion, to build or con- struct, in whole or in part, fire-fighting apparatus in the fire depart- ment repair shop. For hose, $12,000. For fuel, $21,750. For contingent expenses, furniture, fixtures, oil, blacksmithing, gas and electric lighting, flags, and halyards, medals of award, and other necessary items, including $750 for the purchase of an electrocardio- graph machine for the police and fire clinic, $23,250. For additional fire-fighting apparatus, including two passenger automobiles, at not to exceed $650 each, and two chiefs' automobiles, at not to exceed $1,100 each, $55,000: Provided, That no part of this appropriation shall be available for such purchases except by the exchange of fire-fighting apparatus and motor vehicles to be replaced. HEALTH DEPARTMENT Salr.j30§ Salaries: For personal services, including not to exceed $6,000 for 41v. s.c. sS. contract investigational services, without reference to section 3709 of the Revised Statutes (41 U. S . C . 5), $226,850. Prevention of con- Prevention of contagious diseases: For contingent expenses inci- dent to the enforcement of the provisions of an Act to prevent the spread of contagious diseases in the District of Columbia, approved 29Stat. 635 . March 3, 1897 (29 Stat. 635-641), and an Act for the prevention of Scarlet fever, etc. scarlet fever diphtheria, measles, whooping cough, chickenpox, epidemic cerebrospinal meningitis, and typhoid fever in the District 34 stat. 88 of Columbia, approved February 9, 1907 (34 Stat. 889-890), and an Tuberculosis regis- Act to provide for registration of all cases of tuberculosis in the tration. I District of Columbia, for free examination of sputum in suspected cases, and for preventing the spread of tuberculosis in said District 35 Stat. . of Columbia, approved May 13, 1908 (35 Stat. 126-127), under the direction of the health officer of said District, manufacture of serums, 1020 [53 STAT.