Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 53 Part 2.djvu/570

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PUBLIC LAWS-CH. 313-TULY 17, 1939 trBginnng of regis- registered for the ensuing registration year. For the purposes of this title, a registration year shall be deemed to begin on April 1 and Pr onofperiod end on March 31: Provided, That motor vehicles that may have ending February 29, been registered for the period ending February 29, 1940, shall be 1940. deemed to be registered for the registration year ending March 31, 1940." Registration appli- cation received f SEC. 2 . Paragraph (c) of section 3 of such title, as amended, is October l;fee. amended by striking out "September" and inserting in lieu thereof 52 tat.360. "October." "Publicveiclesfees. SEC. 3 . That subparagraphs (c) and (d) of paragraph 31 and paragraph 33 of an Act entitled "An Act to amend section 7 of an Act entitled 'An Act making appropriations to provide for the gov- ernment of the District of Columbia for the fiscal year ending June 4 Stt 5 C Code. 30, 1903, and for other purposes', approved July 1 1902, and for Supp. IV, 1731(c), other purposes", approved July 1, 1932, are amended to read as (d); 1733. follows follows: Vehicles of eight a seating capac- passenger, etc., capac- seating ity. ity o eight passengers or more, in addition to the driver or operator, other than those licensed in the preceding subparagraph, shall pay Display of license license tax of $100 per annum for each vehicleused. No such vehicle shall be operated unless there shall be conspicuously dis- played therein a license issued under the terms of this subparagraph. Dateoficeses. Licenses issued under this subparagraph shall date from April 1 of each year, but may be issued on or after March 15 of such year: praion, pro Proided, however, That all licenses issued for a period prior to April Expiration provi1 ProvuidedoweveT sion;fee. 1, 1940, shall expire on March 31, 1940, and the license fee therefor shall be prorated accordingly. Other passenger ve- "(d) Owners of passenger vehicles for hire, whether operated from a private establishment or from public space, other than those licensed in the two preceding subparagraphs, shall pay a license tax of $25 per annum for each such vehicle used in the conduct of ublic stands. their business. Stands for such vehicles upon public space, adjacent to hotels or otherwise, may be established in the manner provided in section 6 (e) of the Act entitled 'An Act to amend the Acts approved 6 DStt. . de upp. March 3 1925, and July 3 1926, known as the District of Columbia pI,§243 (e).t Traffic Acts, and so forth'. The Public Utilities Commission is o reaons hereby authorized to make and enforce all such reasonable and usual police regulations as it may deem necessary for the proper conduct, control, and regulation of all vehicles described in this and the pre- Dateolicenses. ceding subparagraphs and paragraph 33 hereof. Licenses issued under this subparagraph shall date from April 1 of each year, but Expirton provi. may be issued on or after March 15 of such year: Provided, however, sion;fee. That all licenses issued for a period prior to April 1, 1940, shall expire on March 31, 1940, and the license fee therefor shall be pro- rated accordingly. used inling goodr "P AR . 33. Owners of vehicles for hire, used in hauling goods, etcnt p. 70 wares, or merchandise, and operating from public space, shall pay a Stands. license tax of $25 per annum for each vehicle. Stands for such vehicles upon public space may be established in the manner pro- vided in section 6 (e) of the Act entitled 'An Act to amend the Acts 6D. C. ode, supp. approved March 3, 1925, and July 3, 1926, known as the District of IV 243(e). Columbia Traffic Acts, and so forth'. Licenses issued under this sub- paragraph shall date from April 1 of each year, but may be issued Expration provision; on or after March 15 of such year: Provided, however, That all fee. licenses issued for a period prior to April 1, 1940, shall expire on March 31, 1940, and the license fee therefor shall be prorated accordingly." Act repealed. "SEc. 4. That an Act entitled 'An Act to amend paragraphs 31 and 33 of an Act entitled "An Act to amend section 7 of an Act entitled 1046 [53 STAT.