Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 53 Part 2.djvu/587

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53 STAT.] 76TH CONG. , 1 ST SESS.-CH. 324 -JULY 18, 1939 TITLE II-FRANKLIN D. ROOSEVELT LIBRARY SEC. 201. The Archivist of the United States is authorized to accept for and in the name of the United States from the donor, or from such person or persons as shall be empowered to act for the donor, title to a tract of land consisting of an area of twelve acres, more or less, of the Hyde Park estate of the donor and his family, located on the New York-Albany Post Road, in the town of Hyde Park, Dutchess County, State of New York; such area to be selected and carved out of the said estate by the donor and to be utilized as a site for the Franklin D. Roosevelt Library provided for in this title. SEC. 202. The Archivist is authorized to permit the Franklin D. Roosevelt Library, Incorporated, a New York corporation organized for that purpose, to construct on the area referred to in section 201 of this title a building, or buildings, to be designated as the Franklin D. Roosevelt Library, and to landscape the grounds within the said area. Such project shall be carried out in accordance with plans and specifi- cations approved by the Archivist. The Federal Works Administra- tion is authorized to permit the facilities and personnel of the Public Building Administration to be utilized in the preparation of plans for and in the construction and equipping of the project: Provided,That the Franklin D. Roosevelt Library, Incorporated, shall enter into an arrangement satisfactory to the Secretary of the Treasury to reim- burse the said Public Building Administration for the costs and expenses incurred for such purposes, as determined by the Federal Works Administration. SEc. 203. Upon the completion of the project authorized in section 202 of this title, the Archivist shall accept for the Franklin D. Roose- velt Library, as a gift from the donor, such collection of historical material as shall be donated by the donor. The Archivist may also acquire for the said Library from other sources, by gift, purchase, or loan, historical books related to and other historical material con- temporary with and related to the historical material acquired from the donor. The historical material acquired under this section shall be permanently housed in the Franklin D. Roosevelt Library: Provided, That the Archivist may temporarily remove any of such material from the said Library when he deems it to be necessary: And provided further, That the Archivist may dispose of any duplicate printed material in the said Library by sale or exchange, and, with the approval of the National Archives Council, may dispose of by sale, exchange, or otherwise any material in the said Library which appears to have no permanent value or historical interest. The proceeds of any sale made under this section shall be paid into the special account provided for in subsection (d) of section 205 of this title, to be held, administered, and expended in accordance with the provisions of that subsection. SEC. 204. The faith of the United States is pledged that, upon the construction of the Franklin D. Roosevelt Library and the acquisition from the donor of the collection of historical material in accordance with the terms of this title, the United States will provide such funds as may be necessary for the upkeep of the said Library and the admin- istrative expenses and costs of operation thereof, including the preser- vation and care of historical material acquired under this title, so that the said Library shall be at all times properly maintained. SEC. 205. (a) A Board to be known as the Trustees of the Franklin D. Roosevelt Library is hereby established. The Archivist and the Secretary of the Treasury shall be ex officio members and the Archivist shall be chairman of the Board. There shall also be five members of the Board appointed by the President for life, but the President may remove any such member for cause. Vacancies on the 1063 Archivist author- ized to accept site for libraryfrom donor. Franklin D. Roose- velt Library, Inc., construction of build- ings, landscaping, etc., authorized. Assistance by Pub- lic Building Admin- istration. Proviso. Reimbursement. Acceptance of proj- ect, upon completion, as a gift from donor. Acquisition of simi- lar related material from other sources. Provisos. Temporary removal of material. Disposal of dupli- cate, etc., printed material. Proceeds from sales to be paid into special account. Funds pledged for upkeep, etc. Board established; membership; tenure, vacancies; not deemed U. S . officers.