Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 53 Part 2.djvu/83

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53 STAT.] 76TH CONG. , IST SESS.-CH. 35-APR . 3, 1939 branches as follows: Infantry, four thousand one hundred and eighty-four; Cavalry, one thousand and thirty-four; Field Artillery, one thousand seven hundred and twenty-six; Coast Artillery Corps, one thousand three hundred and forty-one; Air Corps, three thou- sand two hundred and three exclusive of officers detailed from other arms and services for training and duty as aircraft observers and other members of combat crews; Corps of Engineers, seven hundred and ninety-five; Signal Corps, three hundred and forty-one; Adjutant General's Department, one hundred and thirty-one; Judge Advocate General's Department, one hundred and twenty-one; Quar- termaster Corps, one thousand and sixteen; Finance Department, one hundred and seventy-six; Ordnance Department, four hundred and seventeen; Chemical Warfare Service, one hundred and twenty- four; Medical Corps, one thousand four hundred and twenty-four; Dental Corps, three hundred and sixteen; Veterinary Corps, one hundred and twenty-six; Medical Administrative Corps, sixteen; and Corps of Chaplains, one hundred and fifty-two: Provided, That the PrmOs. President may increase or diminish the number of officers assigned mdfications per- to any branch by not more than a total of 30 per centum: Provided further, That nothing herein contained shall affect the number of Military Academy professors, United States Military Academy, as now authorized by faculty law, or require the separation from the service of any officer now PresentMedical commissioned in the Medical Administrative Corps. Subject to the oiffiersatieCorps authorized increase or decrease of 30 per centum hereinabove pro- Detai in Inspector General's Depart- vided, the number of officers detailed in the Inspector General's ment. Department shall be fifty-five. SEC. 9. The Act approved June 11, 1938 (ch. 337, Seventy-fifth barmy Air Corps Congress, third session), is hereby amended by striking out the listed men. words "twenty-one thousand five hundred" in the last line thereof S ss 6, Supp. and inserting in lieu thereof the words "forty-five thousand". Iv, §291. SEC. 10. Nothing contained in this Act shall be construed to affect Reserveofficersnow the operation of the Act of August 30, 1935 (49 Stat. 1028), with tion and commission- respect to the selection and commissioning, in accordance with the "ing provisions of section 2 of that Act, of Reserve officers now on active lo0u. Cs., supp. duty under the provisions of that Act. Upon the effective date of A I 4ve duty con- this Act, Air Corps Reserve officers who are then on active duty under " at 4d. the provisions of section 1 of the Act of June 16, 1936 (49 Stat. 1524) o0U. S.C., Supp. shall be deemed to be on active duty under the provisions of this Act: IVot .'w. Provided, That on and after the effective date of this Act no Air Provso. Corps Reserve officers shall be called to active duty under the pro- tivedut'yservice. vision of section 1 of the said Act of June 16, 1936. Except as other- wise herein provided, nothing contained in this Act shall be construed to affect the number of Reserve officers that may be called to active duty under existing laws, nor the conditions and the purposes for which they may be called. SEC. 11 . Section 2 of the Act of June 16, 1936 (49 Stat. 1524), is 49Stat. 1524. hereby amended to read as follows: IV; sC., Supp. "Any Air Corps Reserve officer who has not been selected for Reserve officer not selected for Regular commission in the Regular Army shall be paid upon release from Army commission, active duty following the termination of any period of active duty onp u acm on teiuy. of three years or more in duration a lump sum of $500 which sum shall be in addition to any pay and allowances which he may other- wise be entitled to receive." SEc. 12. There is hereby authorized to be appropriated not to Panama Canal De- exceed $23,750,000 to be expended for the construction, rehabilita- Aprmprination an tion, and installation in the Panama Canal Department of such tion, r co.struc- buildings, utilities, and appurtenances thereto as may be necessary Pos, pp. 94, 132 7 - to house antiaircraft, seacoast defense, and auxiliary units most urgently needed for defense of the Panama Canal. 559