Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 53 Part 2.djvu/840

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PUBLIC LAWS-CH. 633-AUG. 9 , 1939 CONSTRUCTION AND REPAIR School, agency, hos- Construction, and so forth, buildings and utilities, Indian Service: pitaFor an additional amount for the construction, repair, or rehabilita- tion of school, agency, hospital, or other buildings and utilities, including the purchase of land and the acquisition of easements or rights-of-way when necessary, and including the purchase of furni- ture, furnishings, and equipment, as follows: colvile, wash. Colville, Washington: Not to exceed $7,000 of the appropriation of $30,000 contained in the Interior Department Appropriation Act, 50 Stat. 590. fiscal year 1938, for improvement of the water supply, is hereby made available until June 30, 1941, for general repairs, including improve- ments to the sewer system; School and agency Colville (Inchelium), Washington: To provide school and agency facilities atInchelium. . facilities at Inchelium, $138,900, including school building, office building and clinic, jail and quarters, five dwellings, warehouse, Contribution by garage, and utilities: Provided, That no obligations shall be incurred State,etc. hereunder for the school building unless and until Public School District Numbered 30 of Inchelium, Ferry County, or the State of Washington, contributes one-half of the amount required for the construction of the school facilities provided for herein, which amount shall be credited to this appropriation and shall be available for the purposes of this paragraph; Mescalero, N. Mex. Mescalero, New Mexico: Employees' building, $35,000; NavajoAriz. Navajo, Arizona: School facilities, $10,000; Pine Ridge S. Dak. Pine Ridge, South Dakota: School facilities, $114,600; Utntah and ouray, Uintah and Ouray, Utah: Central heating plant, including the installation of distribution lines and radiation and insulation in exist- ing buildings, $30,000; Total. In all, fiscal year 1940, to remain available until June 30, 1941, Proviso. Limitationontrans- $328,500: Provided, That not to exceed 10 per centum of the amount fers. of any specific authorization may be transferred in the discretion of the Commissioner of Indian Affairs to the amount of any other specific authorization but no limitation shall be increased more than 10 per centum by such transfer. ANNUITIES AND PER CAPITA PAYMENTS Indians of Sioux Reservations, pay- ments. 25 Stat. 895. Payment of interest on Indian trust funds. Operation and maintenance admin- istration. Ante, p. 716. Payment to Indians of Sioux Reservations: For an additional amount for payment of Sioux benefits to Indians of the Sioux Reser- vations as authorized by the Act of March 2, 1889 (25 Stat. 895), as amended, for the following fiscal years: For 1938, $70,000; For 1939, $27,000. Payment of interest on Indian trust funds: For an additional amount for the payment of interest on moneys held in trust for the several Indian tribes, as authorized by various Acts of Congress, for the following fiscal years: For 1937, $7,153.10; For 1938, $83,186.02; For 1939, $380,000. BUREAU OF RECLAMATION Operation and maintenance administration: For an additional amount for general administration of reclamation projects, $20,000, from the reclamation fund, special fund, fiscal year 1940, to be expended for the same purposes and under the same conditions specified under this head in the Interior Department Appropriation Act, 1940. [53 STAT.