Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 53 Part 2.djvu/847

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53 STAT.] 76TH CONG., 1ST SESS. -CH. 633 -AUG. 9 , 1939 POST OFFICE DEPARTMENT OUT OF THE POSTAL REVENUES OFFICE OF THE FIRST ASSISTANT POSTMASTER GENERAL Domestic Air Mail Service, 1940: For an additional amount for Domestic Ai the inland transportation of mail by aircraft, and so forth, including Service, 1940. the same objects specified under this head in the Post Office Depart- Ante, p . 677. ment Appropriation Act, 1940, $713,200. Foreign air-mail transportation: For an additional amount for the Foreign air transportation of foreign mails by aircraft, as authorized by law, Ate, p.7s fiscal year 1940, $1,419,520. Foreign air-mail transportation: For an additional amount for the transportation of foreign mails by aircraft, as authorized by law, fiscal year 1940, $900,000: Provided, That in the advertisement or Proos. Award, etc., award of any formal contract, or on renewal of any such contract, tracts. involving expenditures from this appropriation, the Postmaster Gen- eral shall not be bound by any franchise, obligation, right, privilege, duty, or liability, granted or imposed by any foreign government, by virtue of any contract or agreement entered into by any natural or juridical person with such foreign government, unless the Post- master General considers it to be in the public interest to comply with the terms of any such franchise, obligation, right, privilege, duty, or liability: Provided frther, That in the event any such con- cancelation tract by foreil tract or agreement is canceled by a foreign government, the Govern- ment of the United States will in no way be responsible for the indemnification of any natural or juridical person awarded such contract on account of any losses or damages which may be incurred or suffered by the latter as a result of such cancelation: Provided further, That nothing herein shall be construed as a ratification or Certain coo acceptance by the Government of the United States of the terms of deeme any contract, agreement, or understanding, express or implied, here- tofore or hereafter entered into between any natural or juridical person and any foreign government, and the Government of the ,Landing rig United States hereby reserves to itself, unconditionally, full freedom tio, re-srrved. of action with respect to any future application which may be made by any government or natural or juridical person being a citizen or subject of any foreign country for landing rights in United States territory in connection with the operation o an international air service. DEPARTMENT OF STATE OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY Claims for personal injury and death arising in foreign countries, Act February 13, 1936, Department of State: To pay a claim for injury and death adjusted and determined by the Secretary of State under the provisions of the Act entitled "An Act to provide for the adjustment and settlement of personal injury and death cases arising in certain foreign countries", approved February 13, 1936, as fully set forth in Senate Document Numbered 104, Seventy-sixth Congress, $750. CONTRIBUTIONS, QUOTAS, AND SO FORTH For an additional amount for United States contributions to inter- national commissions, congresses, and bureaus: For the contribution of the United States to the Inter-American Radio Office under the Inter-American Radio Communications Convention concluded Decem- ber 13, 1937, for the following fiscal years: For 1939, $751; For 1940, $3,655. 1323 i Mail r-mail of con of con- gn gov- Itracts tifed. hts in Iof ac- Claims for personal injury and death aris- ing i foreign coun- tries. 49 Stat. 1138 . 31 U. S. C., Supp. IV, § 224a. Inter-American Radio Office. Ante, p. 891. 98907--39--PT 2-52