Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 53 Part 2.djvu/869

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53 STAT.] 76TH CONG. , 1ST SESS.-CHS. 644 , 645-AUG. 10 , 1939 carrying out the provisions of this paragraph the Bureau of Marine Inspection and Navigation is hereby authorized and directed to pre- scribe the particular approved type, character, and manner of installa- tion of systems to be fitted. The term 'type' as used in this paragraph shall be considered to mean any system which will give a prescribed or required efficiency and shall not mean some peculiar shape or design and shall not be confined to some certain brand or make." Approved, August 10, 1939. [CHAPTER 645] T(nTN~T TYPCo T TT'TTnXT u August 10, 1939 Giving the consent of the Congress to an agreement between the States of Iowa [s. J. Res. 181] and Missouri establishing a boundary between said States. [Pub. Res., No. 47] Whereas, under date of December 13, 1937, the State of Missouri commenced suit against the State of Iowa in the Supreme Court of the United States for the purpose of determining the boundary line between the county of Clark in the State of Missouri and the county of Lee in the State of Iowa; and Whereas, by stipulation filed in the said Supreme Court of the United States, it was proposed that the Legislature of Iowa and the Legislature of Missouri pass like bills, the State of Missouri waiving and relinquishing to the State of Iowa all jurisdiction to lands lying north and east of the Des Moines River, now in the county of Clark, State of Missouri, and the State of Iowa waiving and relinquishing to the State of Missouri all lands lying south and west of the Des Moines River, and now in the county of Lee, State of Iowa, and that said acts be submitted to the Congress of the United States for its approval; and Whereas, in accordance with said stipulation, the Forty-eighth Gen- eral Assembly of the State of Iowa did at such session pass such act, this act being known and designated as House File Numbered 651, Acts of the Forty-eighth General Assembly of Iowa, bearing the signatures of John R. Irwin, speaker of the house; Bourke B. Hickenlooper, president of the senate; and the signature and approval of George A. Wilson, Governor of Iowa, under date of April 18, 1939, said act being thereiupon proplerly published and becoming law under date of April 23, 1939; and Whereas said act provided in substance that the Des Moines River inl its present coluse as heretofore declared by the Congress of the United States shall be and remain the true boundary line between the State of Missouri and the State of Iowa; that the State of Iowa relinquishes all jurisdiction to all lands in Lee County lying south and west of the Des Moines River, being south and east of the east and west boundary line between the States of Iowa and Mis- souri, and that the effective date of the relinquishment of jurisdiction shall be as of midnight of the 31st day of December following the passage of the Act of Congress approving the relinquishment of jurisdiction; and Whereas, in accordance with stipulation as aforesaid, the Sixtieth General Assembly of the State of Missouri did, at such session, pass a like act, this act being known and designated as senate bill 350 of the acts of the Sixtieth General Assembly of Missouri and bearing the signature and approval of Lloyd C. Stark, Governor of Missouri, under date of June 16, 1939; and Whereas said act provides in substance that the Des Moines River shall be the true boundary line as between Missouri and Iowa; that the State of Missouri relinquishes all jurisdiction to all lands lying north and east of the Des Moines River and that the effective date Iowa and Missouri boundary. Preamble. 1345 "Type" defined.