Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 53 Part 2.djvu/896

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PUBLIC LAWS-CH. 666-AUG. 10 , 1939 Applicationsdeemed unacceptable. Certification for joint payment. "(m) No application for any benefit under this title filed prior to three months before the first month for which the applicant becomes entitled to receive such benefit shall be accepted as an application for the purposes of this title. "(n) The Board may, in its discretion, certify to the Managing Trustee any two or more individuals of the same family for joint payment of the total benefits payable to such individuals. " RE PRESENTATION OF CLAIMANTS BEFORE THE BOARD tioRles and regula- "SE. 206. The Board may prescribe rules and regulations gov- erning the recognition of agents or other persons, other than attor- neys as hereinafter provided, representing claimants before the Board, and may require of such agents or other persons, before being recognized as representatives of claimants that they shall show that they are of good character and in good repute, possessed of the necessary qualifications to enable them to render such claimants valu- able service, and otherwise competent to advise and assist such Attorneys. claimants in the presentation of their cases. An attorney in good standing who is admitted to practice before the highest court of the State, Territory, District, or insular possession of his residence or before the Supreme Court of the United States or the inferior Fed- eral courts, shall be entitled to represent claimants before the Board Certificate of right upon filing with the Board a certificate of his right to so practice to practice. suspension, etc. , by from the presiding judge or clerk of any such court. The Board Bord. may, after due notice and opportunity for hearing, suspend or pro- hibit from further practice before it any such person, agent, or attorney who refuses to comply with the Board's rules and regula- tions or who violates any provision of this section for which a Fees penalty is prescribed. The Board may, by rule and regulation, prescribe the maximum fees which may be charged for services per- formed in connection with any claim before the Board under this title, and any agreement in violation of such rules and regulations unlawful acts. shall be void. Any person who shall, with intent to defraud, in any manner willfully and knowingly deceive, mislead, or threaten any claimant or prospective claimant or beneficiary under this title by word, circular, letter or advertisement, or who shall knowingly charge or collect directly or indirectly any fee in excess of the maximum fee, or make any agreement directly or indirectly to charge or collect any Penalty. fee in excess of the maximum fee, prescribed by the Board shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and, upon conviction thereof, shall for each offense be punished by a fine not exceeding $500 or by imprisonment not exceeding one year, or both. "A SSIGNMENT Right to payment not assignable; exemp- tion from legal process. False statements or representations. "SEC. 207. The right of any person to any future payment under this title shall not be transferable or assignable, at law or in equity, and none of the moneys paid or payable or rights existing under this title shall be subject to execution, levy, attachment, garnishment, or other legal process, or to the operation of any bankruptcy or insol- vency law. "PENAI/IES "SEO. 208. Whoever, for the purpose of causing an increase in any payment authorized to be made under this title, or for the purpose of causing any payment to be made where no payment is authorized under this title, shall make or cause to be made any false state- ment or representation (including any false statement or repre- sentation in connection with any matter arising under the Federal Insurance Contributions Act) as to the amount of any wages paid or 1372 [53 STAT.