Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 53 Part 2.djvu/903

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53 STAT.] 76TH CONG. , 1 ST SESS.-CH. 666 - -AUG. 10, 1939 such methods) as are found by the Board to be reasonably calculated to insure full payment of unemployment compensation when due; and "(2) Payment of unemployment compensation solely through Payment of com- · . I.I pensation through ap- public employment offices or such other agencies as the Board may proved agencies. approve; and "(3) Opportunity for a fair hearing, before an impartial tribunal, pearing when co- for all individuals whose claims for unemployment compensation are nied. denied; and "(4) The payment of all money received in the unemployment Paymenttocreditof fund of such State (except for refunds of sums erroneously paid fund. into such fund and except for refunds paid in accordance with the provisions of section 1606 (b) of the Federal Unemployment Tax Post, . 1392. Act), immediately upon such receipt, to the Secretary of the Treasury to the credit of the unemployment trust fund established by section 42 U Sta.., s upp. 904; and Iv, 1104. "(5) Expenditure of all money withdrawn from an unemployment mnpedwithdrawn fund of such State, in the payment of unemployment compensation, from State unemploy- exclusive of expenses of administration, and for refunds of sums mentfund. erroneously paid into such fund and refunds paid in accordance with the provisions of section 1606 (b) of the Federal Unemployment P' P-192- Tax Act; and " (6) The making of such reports, in such form and containing such Reports. information, as the Board may from time to time require, and com- pliance with such provisions as the Board may from time to time find necessary to assure the correctness and verification of such reports; and '(7) Making available upon request to any agency of the United tInformationrespect" States charged with the administration of public works or assistance through public employment, the name, address, ordinary occupation and employment status of each recipient of unemployment compen- sation, and a statement of such recipient's rights to further compensa- tion under such law; and "(8) Effective July 1, 1941, the expenditure of all moneys received Expenditure of monels for lroper ad- pursuant to section 302 of this title solely for the purposes and min istration o State the amounts found necessary by the Board for the proper and efficient law administration of such State law; and "(9) Effective July 1, 1941, the replacement, within a reasonable Replacement ofl(qt or unnecessarily ex- time, of any moneys received pursuant to section 302 of this title, pended funds. which, because of any action or contingency, have been lost or have been expended for purposes other than, or in amounts in excess of those found necessary by the Board for the proper administration of such State law." TITLE IV-AMENDMENTS TO TITLE IV OF THE SOCIAL SECURITY ACT SEC. 401. (a) Clause (5) of section 402 (a) of such Act is amended to read as follows: "(5) provide such methods of administration (including after January 1, 1940, methods relating to the establish- ment and maintenance of personnel standards on a merit basis, except that the Board shall exercise no authority with respect to the selec- tion, tenure of office, and compensation of any individual employed in accordance with such methods) as are found by the Board to be necessary for the proper and efficient operation of the plan." (b) Effective July 1, 1941, section 402 (a) of such Act is further amended by inserting before the period at the end thereof a semicolon and the following new clauses: "(7) provide that the State agency shall, in determining need, take into consideration any other income and resources of any child claiming aid to dependent children; and Aid to dependent children. State plans, require- ments. 49 Stat. 627 . 42 U. S. C., Supp. IV, 602 . Required methods of administration. Other income, etc., of child claiming aid. 1379