Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 53 Part 2.djvu/938

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[53 STAT. PUBLIC LAWS-CHS. 698, 699-AUG. 11, 1939 Improper conduct. the corporation for the preceding year, and its financial position. If said superintendent shall have reason to believe that this corporation is not complying with the provisions of this charter, or is being operated for profit, or fraudulently conducted, he shall cause to be instituted the necessary proceedings to enjoin such improper conduct, or to dissolve this corporation. Investments. SEC. 6 . The funds of this company may be invested only in securi- ties in which the funds of insurance companies may be invested, as provided by the laws of the District of Columbia. ApplicationofD. C SEC. 7. This corporation shall not be subject to the provisions of laws . statutes regulating the business of insurance in the District of Colum- bia, but shall be exempt therefrom unless specifically designated therein. purposes t declared; SEC. 8. This corporation is hereby declared to be a charitable and e xception. benevolent institution, and all of its funds and property shall be exempt from taxation other than taxes on real estate. Corporate author- SEC. 9. The corporation is hereby authorized and empowered to ity. take over, carry out, and assume all contracts, obligations, assets, and liabilities of a corporation heretofore organized and now doing busi- ness in the District of Columbia under the name of Group Hospital- ization, Inc. Right to amend or SEC. 10. This Act may be altered, amended, or repealed at the reserved pleasure of the Congress of the United States of America. Approved, August 11, 1939. [CHAPTER 699] AN ACT August 11, 1939 [H. R. 66341 [Public, No. 396] Flood control. 50 Stat. 877. 33 U. 8. C., Supp. IV, § 701g. Removal of debris, etc. Proviso. Restriction. Funds made avail- able for surveys, pre- paring reports, etc. 52 Stat. 804 . 33 U. S. C., Supp. IV, § 558b. Exchange of land or other property. Buffalo Bayou and tributaries. Tex. 52 Stat. 802. 52 Stat. 1215. 33 U. S. C., Supp. IV, § 701c (note). Ohio River Basin. 52 Stat. 1217. Amending previous flood-control Acts, and authorizing certain preliminary examinations and surveys for flood control, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That section 2 of the Flood Control Act of August 28, 1937, is hereby amended to read as follows: "That the Secretary of War is hereby authorized to allot not to exceed $300,000 from any appropriations heretofore or hereafter made for any one fiscal year for flood control, for removing accumulated snags and other debris and clearing channels in navigable streams and tributaries thereof when in the opinion of the Chief of Engineers such work is advisable in the interest of flood control: Provided, That not more than $25,000 shall be allotted for this purpose for any single tributary from the appropriations for any one fiscal year." SEC. 2 . Funds heretofore or hereafter appropriated for construction and maintenance of flood-control works by the War Department shall be available for expenditure by the War Department in making exami- nations and surveys for flood control heretofore or hereafter author- ized, or in preparing reports in review thereof as authorized by law, in addition to finds heretofore authorized to be expended for such purposes by the War Department. SEC. 3 . That section 2 of the River and Harbor Act of June 20, 1938, is hereby made applicable to authorized works of flood control. SEC. 3a. Buffalo Bayou and its tributaries, Texas; the project set forth in House Document Numbered 456, Seventy-fifth Congress, and authorized by Public Law Numbered 685, Seventy-fifth Congress, is hereby modified in accordance with the provisions of section 2 of Public Law Numbered 761, Seventy-fifth Congress, and all requirements of local cooperation inconsistent with said section 2 are hereby eliminated. SEC. 4 . The flood-control plan for the Ohio River Basin authorized in section 4 of the Act of Congress June 28, 1938 (Public, Numbered 1414