Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 53 Part 2.djvu/951

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REORGANIZATION PLANS Transfer of desig- nated functions of Sec- retary of the Interior. Public Works Ad- ministration. Commissioner of Public Works. Work Projects Ad- ministration. Commissioner of Work Projects. Transfer of records and property. Transfer of funds. Amount for In- curred obligations. Proviso. Provisions applica- ble. Ante, pp. 562, 563. Funds available. Administrative funds. (b) All functions of the Secretary of the Interior relating to the administration of the United States Housing Authority are hereby transferred to, and shall be exercised by, the Federal Works Admin- istrator. SECTION 305. Public Works Administration.-The Federal Emer- gency Administration of Public Works and its functions shall be admin- istered as the Public Works Administration with a Commissioner of Public Works at the head thereof. The Commissioner of Public Works shall be appointed by the Federal Works Administrator and shall receive a salary at the rate of $10,000 per annum. The Com- missioner of Public Works shall act under the direction and super- vision of the Federal Works Administrator. SECTION 306. Work Projects Administration.- The Works Progress Administration and its functions (except the National Youth Admin- istration and its functions) shall be administered as the Work Projects Administration, with a Commissioner of Work Projects at the head thereof. The Commissioner shall be appointed by the Federal Works Administrator and shall receive a salary at the rate of $10,000 per annum. The Commissioner shall act under the direction and super- vision of the Federal Works Administrator. SECTION 307. Transfer of Records and Property.- Al l records and property (including office equipment) of the several agencies which, with their functions, are consolidated by section 301 into the Federal Works Agency are hereby transferred to the jurisdiction and control of the Federal Works Agency for use in the administration of the agencies and functions consolidated by that section. SECTION 308. Transfer of Funds.-(a) So much of the unexpended balances of appropriations, allocations, or other funds available (in- cluding those available for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1940) for the use of any agency (except the United States Housing Authority) in the exercise of any functions transferred by this Part, or for the use of the head of any department or agency in the exercise of any func- tions so transferred, and so much of such balances available to the United States Housing Authority for administrative expenses, as the Director of the Bureau of the Budget shall determine, shall be trans- ferred for use in connection with the exercise of the functions trans- ferred by this Part. In determining the amount to be transferred the Director of the Bureau of the Budget may include an amount to provide for the liquidation of obligations incurred against such appro- priations, allocations, or other funds prior to the transfer: Provided, That the use of the unexpended balances of appropriations, alloca- tions, or other funds transferred by this section shall be subject to the provisions of section 4 (d) (3) and section 9 of the Reorganization Act of 1939. (b) All unexpended balances of appropriations, allocations, or other funds available (including those available for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1940) for the use of the United States Housing Authority, other than those transferred by subsection (a) of this section, are hereby transferred with the United States Housing Authority and shall remain available to it for the exercise of its functions. SECTION 309. Administrative Funds. -The Director of the Bureau of the Budget shall allocate to the Federal Works Agency, from appro- priations, allocations, or other funds available (including those avail- able for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1940) for the administrative expenses of the agencies and functions consolidated by section 301, such sums, and in such proportions, as he may find necessary for the administrative expenses of the Federal Works Agency. 1428 [53 STAT.