Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 53 Part 2.djvu/956

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53 STAT.] 76TH CONG., IST SESS.-PLAN NO. II -MAY 9, 1939 SEC. 3 . Departmentof Justice. -Transfers,consolidations, and aboli- Departmet ofJus- tice, transfers, etc., re- tons relating to the Department of Justice are hereby effected as latingto. follows: (a) FederalPrison Industries, Inc. - The Federal Prison Industries, ederal Prison In- Inc. (together with its Board of Directors) and its functions are hereby stris transferred to the Department of Justice and shall be administered under the general direction and supervision of the Attorney General. (b) National Training School for Boys.- The National Training National Training School for Boys and its functions (including the functions of its Board ool of Trustees) are hereby transferred to the Department of Justice and shall be administered by the Director of the Bureau of Prisons, under the direction and supervision of the Attorney General. (c) Board of Trustees of the National Training School for Boys Board of Trustees Abolished. -The Board of Trustees of the National Training School abled. for Boys (including the consulting trustees) is hereby abolished. SEC. 4 . Department of the Interior. -Transfers,consolidations, and Department of the abolitions relating to the Department of the Interior are hereby relating' to. effected as follows: (a) Functions of the National Bituminous Coal Commission Trans- National Bitumi- ferred.- The functions of the National Bituminous Coal Commission on, functionsatmms- (including the functions of the members of the Commission) are hereby e r re d - transferred to the Secretary of the Interior to be administered under his direction and supervision by such division, bureau, or office in the Department of the Interior as the Secretary shall determine. (b) NationalBituminous CoalCommission Abolished. -The National Commission bol- Bituminous Coal Commission and the offices of the members thereof are hereby abolished and the outstanding affairs of the Commission shall be wound up by the Secretary of the Interior. (c) Office of Consumers' Counsel Abolished and Functions Trans- ofie of Consum- ferred.- The office of Consumers' Counsel of the National Bituminous and functions trans- Coal Commission is hereby abolished and its functions are transferred ferred. to, and shall be administered in, the Office of the Solicitor of the De- partment of the Interior under the direction and supervision of the Secretary of the Interior. (d) Bureau of InsularAffairs.- The Bureau of Insular Affairs of the ,,:eau of Insular War Department and its functions are hereby transferred to the Department of the Interior and shall be consolidated with the Division of Territories and Island Possessions ill the Department of tile Interior and administered in such Division under the direction and supervision of the Secretary of the Interior. The office of the Chief of the Bureau omlee of c',ie of and offices subordinate thereto provided for in section 14 of the Act islii e of June 4, 1920 (41 Stat. 769), are hereby abolished and all of the 4s. ". §I 2,3. functions of such offices are transferred to, and shall be exercised by, the Director of the Division of Territories and Island Possessions. (e) Bureau of Fisheries. -The Bureau of Fisheries in the Depart- Bureau of Fisheries. ment of Commerce and its functions are hereby transferred to the Department of the Interior and shall be administered in that Depart- ment under the direction and supervision of the Secretary of the Interior. The functions of the Secretary of Commerce relating to the Protection of fur protection of fur seals and other fur-bearing animals, to the supervision of the Pribilof Islands and the care of the natives thereof, and to the Whaling Treaty Act, are hereby transferred to, and shall be exercised by, the Secretary of the Interior. (f) Bureau of Biological Survey.-The Bureau of Biological Survey Bureauof Biological in the Department of Agriculture and its functions are hereby trans- Surey ferred to the Department of the Interior and shall be administered in that Department under the direction and supervision of the Secretary 1433