Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 53 Part 2.djvu/958

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53 STAT.] 76TH CONG. , IsT SESS.-PLAN NO. II -MAY 9, 1939 Federal Security Agency and shall be administered in the Office of Education under the direction and supervision of the Federal Security Administrator. (b) American PrintingHouse for the Blind. -The functions of the Secretary of the Treasury with respect to the administration of the appropriations for the American Printing House for the Blind (except the function relating to the perpetual trust fund) are hereby trans- ferred to the Federal Security Agency and shall be administered under the direction and supervision of the Federal Security Adminis- trator. The annual report and vouchers required to be furnished to the Secretary of the Treaury by the trustees of the American Printing House for the Blind shall be furnished to the Federal Security Administrator. SEC. 202. National Archives.-Transfers, consolidations, and aboli- tions relating to the National Archives are hereby effected as follows: (a) Functions of Codification Board Transferred. -Thefunctions of the Codification Board, established by the Act of June 19, 1937 (50 Stat. 304), are hereby transferred to the National Archives and shall be consolidated in that agency with the functions of the Division of the Federal Register and shall be administered by such Division under the direction and supervision of the Archivist. (b) CodificationBoardAbolished.- The Codification Board is hereby abolished and its outstanding affairs shall be wound up by the Archi- vist through the Division of the Federal Register in the National Archives. PART 3.- E XECUTIVE OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT SECTION 301. Transfers and abolitions relating to the Executive Office of the President are hereby effected as follows: (a) Functions of National Emergency Council Transferred.- Al l functions of the National Emergency Council other than those relating to Radio Service and Film Service (transferred by section 201(a) of this plan to the Federal Security Agency) are hereby transferred to the Executive Office of the President and shall be administered under the direction and supervision of the President. (b) National Emergency Council Abolished.-The National Emer- gency Council is hereby abolished and its outstanding affairs shall be wound up under the direction and supervision of the President. PART 4. -GENERAL PROVISIONS SEC. 401. Transfer of Functions of Heads of Departments.-Except as otherwise provided in this Plan, the functions of the head of any Department relating to the administration of any agency or function transferred from his Department by this Plan, are hereby transferred to, and shall be exercised by, the head of the department or agency to which such transferred agency or function is transferred by this Plan. SEC. 402. Transfer of Records, Property, and Personnel.- Al l records and property (including office equipment) of the several agencies, and all records and property used primarily in the administration of any functions, transferred by this Plan and, except as otherwise provided, all the personnel used in the administration of such agencies and func- tions (including officers whose chief duties relate to such administra- tion) are hereby transferred to the respective departments or agencies concerned, for use in the administration of the agencies and functions transferred by this Plan: Provided, That any personnel transferred to any department or agency by this section found by the head of such department or agency to be in excess of the personnel necessary for 98907"- 39--rT 2--59 1435 American Printing House for the Blind. National Archives, transfers, etc., relat- ing to. Codification Board, functions transferred. 50 Stat. 304 . 44 U. S. C., Supp. IV, § 311. Board abolished. Transfers, aboli- tions, etc. National Emer- gency Council, func- tions transferred. Council abolished. Transfer of func- tions of heads of De- partments. Transfer of records, property, and person- nel. Proisw. Excess personnel.