Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 53 Part 2.djvu/964

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INDEX Aircraft Parts, procurement without ad- Page A vertising authorized-------------- 1000 Air Mail Service, Domestic, appropriation for--------------------------- 677, 1323 Air-Mail Transportation, Foreign: Appropriation for _-------------- 678, 1323 Award of contracts ----------------- 1323 Cancelation of contracts by foreign government, no indemnification for private losses --------------- -- 1323 Contracts entered into by private per- sons, etc., ratification not to be implied ------------------------ 1323 Landing rights in U. S., freedom of action reserved with respect to- _ 1323 Air.Navigation Facilities, appropriation for establishment of additional ----- 527 Airways Weather Service and Research, appropriation for------------------ 947 Ak Chin Irrigation Project, Ariz., appro- priation for----------------------- 699 Akron, Ohio, old post-office building and site, repeal of minimum-price limita- tion on sale of-------------------- 1291 Alabama, Cedar Point, time extended for bridging Mobile Bay at------------ 1124 Alabama Power Company, purchase of electric utility properties of, by Tennessee Valley Authority author- ized; bond issue------------------- 1084 Alameda, Calif.: Government Island, acceptance of con- veyance of certain lands on, to United States authorized--------- 813 Naval Air Station, appropriation for continuance of construction------- 774 Alamogordo Dam and Reservoir, Pecos River, N. Mex., uses declared; transfer of funds authorized --------------- 1417 Alaska: Appropriation for- Agricultural experiment stations---- 943 Extension work-------------- 945 Alaska Railroad -------------- 634, 735 Retirement and disability fund --- 529 American seamen, relief of ship- wrecked --------------------- 889 Astronomic observations----------- 915 District attorneys, salaries ---------- 900 Fisheries Service---------------- 917, 918 Game law, enforcement ----------- 964 Governor, etc., salaries ------------- 734 Hospital and quarters, construction_ - 711 Indigent, relief of------------------ 658 Insane, care, etc., of ------- 634, 734, 1318 International Boundary Commission, United States and Canada and Alaska and Canada------------ 894 Legislative expenses ------------ 1318 Medical relief in ------------------ 707 .laska-Continued. Page Appropriation for-Continued. Mineral resources, investigation of_ -- 720 Mount McKinley National Park, administration, etc ---------- 727 Natives, support, education, relief of destitution, etc------- -------- 706 Prisoners, support, etc---------- 636, 902 Public domain, fire suppression, etc-- 692 Public schools, establishment ------- 734 Railroads, additional income tax on - 662 Reindeer industry ------------- 708, 1315 Roads, etc., construction and repair-- 734 Salmon River, flood-control work _ -- 859 Star Route Service --------------- 678 Wildlife resources, investigations - - 963 Army construction work, contracts au- thorized on cost-plus-a -fixed-fee basis-------------------------- 1239 Detail of officer as executive represent- ative of contracting officer ----- 1240 Fee limitation-------------------- 1240 Negotiations--------------------- 1239 Outside corporations, employment authorized-------------------- 1240 Performance bond, waiver --------- 1240 Chilkoot Barracks Military Reserva- tion, right-of-way granted across, for pipe line-------------------- 1272 Coast and Geodetic Survey, construc- tion of vessels designed for use in; appropriation authorized --------- 803 Coast Guard base and air station, con- struction authorized ------------ 797 Commissioners, U. S . , appointment of Coast Guard officers as, authorized 1143 Deputy Marshals, U. S., appointment of Coast Guard officers as, author- ized ------------------------- 1143 Education, lands reserved for purposes of, sale of timber; leases; use of pro- cee(ds--------------------- -- 1243 Housing, census of, in 1940 --- ------- 1406 Ketchikan- Water-supply reserves, certain tracts of public lands set aside for__ 1131 Jurisdiction and administration--- 1132 Lands reserved for educational uses, sale of timber; leases; use of proceeds-_ 1243 New appointees, travel expenses from Seattle authorized --------------- 713 Postal service, contracts for powerboat service authorized; cost limitation- 1338 Postmasters, authority to perform cer- tain notarial functions; form, cer- tificate, etc.; fees---------------- 1219 Powerboat mail service, contracts for, authorized; cost limitation ------- 1338 Teachers, exemption of compensation from income tax; provision re- pealed ---------------------- 575 V