Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 53 Part 2.djvu/987

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Deficiency Appropriation Act, Fiscal Year 1939, Third-Continued. Appropriation for-Continued. Navy Department------------ Marine Corps------------------ Naval vessels- Alterations------------------- Replacement--------------- Secretary, Office of the--------- Supplies and Accounts, Bureau of - Yards and Docks, Bureau of----- Personnel Administration, Council of- Post Office Department ----------- First Assistant Postmaster General, Office of----------------- Public Health Service------------- Securities and Exchange Commis- sion------------------------- Smithsonian Institution --------- Social Security Board ------------ "Star-Spangled Banner," one hun- dred and twenty-fifth anniver- sary of the writing of --------- State, Department of--

Agrarian Claims Commission, U. S.-Mexico-.--------------- Contributions, quotas, etc ------- Inter-American Radio Conference, Second -------------------- Secretary, Office of the ------- Treasury Representatives, Meet- ing of.---.....---..---.. Treasury Department -- _ ----- -- Coast Guard------------------- Internal Revenue, Bureau of----- Printing, Division of------------- Procurement Division, Branch of Supply--------------------- Secretary, Office of the------- United States Courts------------ China, United States Court for-. - War Department ---

Engineers, Corps of . ---- ---- 1327, Inspector General, Office of------- Quartermaster Corps ---------- Salaries-- ------------------- Delaware, bridge authorized across Ches- apeake and Delaware Canal at St. Georges-------------------------- Delaware River, examination for flood- control purposes authorized, Pa---- Delaware Valley Tercentenary Commis- sion, funds continued available for_- Delta Point, La., purchase and mainte- nance of bridge across Mississippi River at, authorized--------------- Denmark, appropriation for minister to - Denning, Henry M. (MaJ.), credit in accounts------------------------- Denver, Colo., appropriation for mint-. . Page 1321 1322 1322 1322 1321 1321 1322 1303 1323 1323 1303 1306 1306 1304 1305 1323 1324 1323 1324 1323 1324 1325 1325 1325 1325 1326 1325 1319 1319 1327 1328 1327 1327 1327 1240 1416 896 1267 887 578 670 Departments. See Government Depart- Page ments and Agencies. Dependent Children, appropriation for grants to States for aid to ---------- 541 Des Moines River: Bridge authorized across, at- Levy, Iowa----------------------- 1221 Red Rock, Iowa -------------- - 1207 Deschutes Project, Oreg., appropriation for construction------------------- 717 Detroit, Mich.: Appropriation for- Hydrographic office -------------- . 781 River postal service-------------- 677 Director General of Railroads, office abolished and functions transferred__ 1432 Dirty Creek, Okla., examination for flood- control purposes authorized--------- 1416 Disarmament Conference, General, bal- ances reappropriated --------------- 988 Disaster Loan Corporation: Capital stock, increase of------------- 510 Lending authority extended ---------- 510 Transfer of, to Federal Loan Agency - - 1430 Disbursing Officers, relief of, for disallow- ances on account of airplane travel - 1000 Disease and Sanitation Investigations, appropriation for-------------- 669, 1304 Distilled Spirits, importation for on- premises consumption at Golden Gate International Exposition and New York World's Fair, 1939; conditions_ 625 District Attorneys, appropriation for sal- aries-------------------------- 900 District of Columbia: Adoption proceedings, extension of period for investigation ---------- 844 Advertising, restriction on use of funds for, in newspapers published out- side District of Columbia -------- 1009 Alleys and minor streets, condemnation proceedings in opening, etc., of; benefit assessments -------------- 844 Anacostia River, designation of bridge over, as John Philip Sousa Bridge- 512 Appropriation for- Alcoholic Beverage Control Board-_ - 1006 Alley Dwelling Authority ---------- 529 Anacostia Park, development------- 1031 Assessments, refund of------------- 1310 Assessor's Office ------------- 1005,1307 Audited claims ---------- 523,1311,1335 Auditor's Office ----------------- 1005 Buildings, care of --------- --- 1005 Central garage------------------- 1009 Claims, settlement of-------------- 1310 Collector's Office------------------ 1005 Contingent expenses ---------- 1008, 1307 Coroner's Office------------------ 1006 Corporation Counsel, Office of------ 1006 XXVIII INDEX