Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 54 Part 1.djvu/107

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54 STAT.] 76TH CONG. , 3D SESS.-CH. 71-MAR . 25 , 1940 73 Clerks, first- and second-class post offices: For compensation to clerks Clerks, first- and and employees at first- and second-class post offices, including auxiliary e ond- s s. clerk hire at summer and winter post offices, printers, mechanics, skilled laborers, watchmen, messengers, laborers, and substitutes, $205,900,000. Clerks, contract stations: For compensation to clerks in charge of tlerks, contract sta- contract stations, $1,600,000. Separating mails: For separating mails at third- and fourth-class separating mails post offices, $410,000. Unusual conditions: For unusual conditions at post offices, $75,000. Unusual conditions. Clerks, third-class post offices: For allowances to third-class post offices third-class offices to cover the cost of clerical services, $8,000,000. Miscellaneous items, first- and second-class post offices: For miscel- anMd'celaneousrst laneous items necessary and incidental to the operation and protec- offices- tion of post offices of the first and second classes, and the business conducted in connection therewith, not provided for in other appro- priations, $1,750,000. Village delivery service: For village delivery service in towns and servie delivery villages having post offices of the second or third class, and in com- munities adjacent to cities having city delivery, $1,675,000. Detroit River service: For Detroit River postal service, $11,460. ice i ver ser Carfare and bicycle allowance: For carfare and bicycle allowance, Crfare and bicycle including special-delivery carfare, $1,400,000. allowance. City delivery carriers: For pay of letter carriers, City Delivery rier delivery car- Service, $143,480,000. Special-delivery fees: For fees to special-delivery messengers, special-delivery $8,700,000. Domestic Air Mail Service: For the inland transportation of mail Servetic Air Mail by aircraft, as authorized by law, and for the incidental expenses Post, pp. 9 ,1044 . thereof, including not to exceed $50,000 for supervisory officials and clerks at air-mail transfer points, travel expenses, and not to exceed $63,000 for personal services in the District of Columbia, $19,330,000. Foreign air mail transportation: For transportation of foreign trRtio a r mail transportation. mails by aircraft, as authorized by law, $16,074,149. Post, p. 649 . OFFICE OF THE SECOND ASSISTANT POSTMASTER GENERAL Star-route service: For inland transportation by star routes (except- Star-routeservice. ing service in Alaska) including temporary service to newly estab- lished offices, $11,150,000. Star-route service, Alaska: For inland transportation by star routes Alaska. in Alaska, $150,000. Powerboat service: For inland transportation by steamboat or other Powerboat service. powerboat routes, including ship, steamboat, and way letters, $1,325 500. Raiiroad transportation and mail messenger service: For inland Railrotd transpor- transportation by railroad routes and for mail messenger service, $107,000,000: Provided,That separate accounts be kept of the amount P r service expended for mail messenger service: Provided further, That there accounting. may be expended from this appropriation for personal services in the iersonal services, District of Columbia not exceeding the sum of $33,050 to carry out the provisions of section 214 of the Act of February 28, 1925 (39 43 tat. 1069. U. S. C. 826) (cost ascertainment). Railway Mail Service: For fifteen division superintendents, fifteen Railway Mail Serv- assistant division superintendents, one assistant superintendent at Division superin- large, one hundred and twenty chief clerks, one hundred and twenty tedents, etc. assistant chief clerks, clerks in charge of sections in the offices of division superintendents, railway postal clerks, substitute railway postal clerks, joint employees, and laborers in the Railway Mail Service, $56,283,000.