Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 54 Part 1.djvu/1096

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PUBLIC LAWS-CHS. 790, 791-OCT. 9, 1940 Applicability of specified laws and regulations. and other property, or interests therein, within a distance of one mile of the present boundaries of the Vicksburg National Military Park, which he may determine to be of historical interest in connection with said park, the title to such property or interests therein to be satis- factory to the Secretary of the Interior. All such property or interests therein, upon acceptance thereof, shall become a part of the Vicksburg National Military Park and shall be subject to all laws and regulations applicable thereto. Approved, October 9, 1940. [CHAPTER 791] October 9,1940 AN ACT [H. R. 96701 To provide an eight-hour workday and payment for overtime for dispatchers and [Public, No. 823] mechanics-in-charge in the motor-vehicle service of the Postal Service. Postal Service. 43 Stat. 1061. 39U..C. 116; Supp. V, § 116. Dispatchers, etc. Hours of service. Computation of overtime pay. 39 Stat. 416. 39U. S. C. §119. Employment on Sundays and holi- days. Provi0. Overtime pay in lieu of compensatory time. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the sixth para- graph of section 6 of the Act entitled "An Act reclassifying the salaries of postmasters and employees of the Postal Service, read- justing their salaries and compensation on an equitable basis, increas- mg postal rates to provide for such readjustment and for other purposes", approved February 28, 1925, is amended to read as follows: "Dispatchers, mechanics-in-charge, special mechanics, general mechanics, mechanics' helpers, driver-mechanics, and garagemen- drivers in the motor-vehicle service, and employees of the pneumatic- tube system, shall be required to work not more than eight hours a day. The eight hours of service shall not extend over a longer period than ten consecutive hours, and the schedules of duties of the employ- ees shall be regulated accordingly. In cases of emergency, or if the needs of the service require, special clerks, clerks, dispatchers, mechan- ics-in-charge, special mechanics, general mechanics, mechanics' help- ers, driver-mechanics, and garagemen-drivers in the motor-vehicle service, and employees of the pneumatic-tube system, can be required to work in excess of eight hours per day, and for such overtime service they shall be paid on the basis of the annual pay received by such employees. In computing the compensation for such overtime the annual salary or compensation for such employees shall be divided by three hundred and six, the number of working days in the year less all Sundays and legal holidays enumerated in the Act of July 28, 1916; the quotient thus obtained will be the daily compensation which divided by eight will give the hourly compensation for such overtime service. Wen the needs of the service require the employ- ment on Sundays and holidays of route supervisors, special clerks, clerks, dispatchers, mechanics-in-charge, special mechanics, general mechanics, mechanics' helpers, driver-mechanics, and garagemen- drivers in the motor-vehicle service, and employees of the pneumatic- tube system, they shall be allowed compensatory time on one day within six days next succeeding the Sunday, except the last three Sundays in the calendar year, and on one day within thirty days next succeeding the holiday and the last three Sundays in the year on which service is performed: Provided,however, That the Postmaster General may, if the exigencies of the service require it, authorize the payment of overtime in lieu of compensatory time for service on Sundays and holidays." Approved, October 9, 1940. 1062 [54 SrAT.