Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 54 Part 1.djvu/1138

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PUBLIC LAWS-CHS. 845, 846-OCT. 10 , 1940 43 Stat. 739; 52 Stat. 1169. 48U.S.C.§206; Supp. V, § 206. Firearms, boats, etc. Sales. Use for food during closed season. 40 Stat. 755. 16 U.S . C. § 703-711; Supp. V, §§ 703-709a. Proviso. Destruction, etc. , of property used by Com- mission. October 10, 1940 [H. R . 9123] [Public, No. 837] of the Interior under authority of section 2 of this Act, which the regulations may permit to be sold under such restrictions as said Secretary may deem to be appropriate; or to use any shotgun larger than a number 10 gage; or to use any airplane, or steam or power launch, or any boat other than one propelled by paddle, oars, or pole, in taking game animals or game birds; or to sell any game animals, game birds, or parts thereof to the owner, master, or employee of any coastal or river steamer or commercial power or sailboat, or to procure for serving or to serve any such game animals, game birds, or parts thereof in any cannery or to the employees on any such steamer or boat; nor, except as herein provided, shall prohibit any Indian or Eskimo, prospector, or traveler to take animals or birds during the closed season when he is in need of food and other sufficient food is not available, but the shipment or sale of any animals or birds or parts thereof so taken shall not be permitted, except that the hides of animals so taken may be sold within the Territory, but said Secretary by regu- lation may prohibit such native Indians or Eskimos, prospectors, or travelers from taking any species of animals or birds for food during the closed season in any section of the Territory within which he shall determine that the supply of such species of animals or birds is in danger of extermination; nor shall any such regulation contravene any of the provisions of the Migratory Bird Treaty Act and regula- tions: Provided, That no person shall knowingly disturb, injure, or destroy any notice, signboard, seal, boat, vessel, sled, dog, or dog team, paraphernalia, or equipment, building, or other improvement or prop- erty of the United States used by the Commission in the administration and/or enforcement of the provisions of this Act, or as a notice to the public concerning the provisions of this Act or any regulation adopted pursuant thereto, or as a marker of the boundary of any area closed to hunting, trapping, or other special use under the provisions of this Act, or to destroy, remove, tamper with, or imitate any metal seal or seals issued by the Commission and attached to any skin, portion, or specimen of a wild animal or bird or other article for purposes of iden- tification under its authority, in accordance with the provisions of this Act or any regulation thereunder." Approved, October 10, 1940. [CHAPTER 8461 AN ACT To approve Act numbered 65 of the Session Laws of 1939 of the Territory of Hawaii, entitled "An Act to amend Act 29 of the Session Laws of Hawaii, 1929, granting to J. K . Lota and associates a franchise for electric light, current, and power in Hanalei, Kauai, by including Moloaa within such franchise". Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Hawaii.l United States of America in Congress assembled, That Act numbered Approval of Act granting a franchise 65 f the Session Laws of 1939 of the Territory of Hawaii, entitled for electric light, etc. "An Act to amend Act 29 of the Session Laws of Hawaii, 1929, grant- ing to J. K. Lota and associates a franchise for electric light, current, and power in Hanalei, Kauai, by including Moloaa within such fran- chise", passed by the Legislature of the Territory of Hawaii and approved by the Governor of the Territory of Hawaii on April 20, 1939, be hereby approved. Efective date. SE. 2 . This Act shall be in force and effect from and after its passage. Approved, October 10, 1940. 1104 [54 STAT.