Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 54 Part 1.djvu/1164

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PUBLIC LAWS-Cli . 871-OCT. 14, 1940 with misbranding proves such deviation resulted from unavoid- able variations in manufacture and despite the exercise of due care to make accurate the statements on such stamp, tag, label, or other means of identification. (B) the maximum percentage of the total weight of the wool product, of any nonfibrous loading, filling, or adulterating matter. (C) the name of the manufacturer of the wool product and/or the name of one or more persons subject to section 3 with respect to such wool product. egWoolcontts not (3) In the case of a wool product containing a fiber other than wool, if the percentages by weight of the wool contents thereof are not shown in words and figures plainly legible. (4) In the case of a wool product represented as wool, if the per- centages by weight of the wool content thereof are not shown in words and figures plainly legible, or if the total fiber weight of such wool product if not 100 per centum wool exclusive of ornamentation not Additionalinorma exceeding 5 per centum of such total fiber weight. ticon (b) In addition to information required in this section, the stamp, tag, label, or other means of identification, or substitute therefor under section 5, may contain other information not violating the provisions of this Act or the rules and regulations of the Commission. Replacingoflabel. (C) If any person subject to section 3 with respect to a wool product finds or has reasonable cause to believe its stamp, tag, label, or other means of identification, or substitute therefor under section 5, does not contain the information required by this Act, he may replace same with a substitute containing the information so required. Desgateonsongar- (d) This section shall not be construed as requiring designation on garments or articles of apparel of fiber content of any linings, paddings, stiffening, trimmings, or facings, except those concerning which express or implied representations of fiber content are cus- tomarily made, nor as requiring designation of fiber content of products which have an insignificant or inconsequential textile content: Applicability. Provided, That if any such article or product purports to contain or in any manner is represented as containing wool, this section shall be applicable thereto and the information required shall be separately set forth and segregated. clAnnsouecnt, r' The Commission, after giving due notice and opportunity to be beard to interested persons, may determine and publicly announce the classes of such articles concerning which express or implied repre- sentations of fiber content are customarily made, and those products which have an insignificant or inconsequential textile content. AFFIXING OF STAMP, TAG, LABEL, OR OTHER IDENTIFICATION Affixing of label, etc., to wool product. Proniso. Name of manufac- turer on substitute label; exception. Unfair method of competition. SEC. 5. Any person manufacturing for introduction, or first intro- ducing into commerce a wool product shall affix thereto the stamp, tag, label, or other means of identification required by this Act, and the same, or substitutes therefor containing identical information with respect to content of the wool product or any other products contained therein in an amount of 5 per centum or more by weight and other information required under section 4, shall be and remain affixed to such wool product, whether it remains in its original state or is contained in garments or other articles made in whole or in part therefrom, until sold to the consumer: Provided, That the name of the manufacturer of the wool product need not appear on the substitute stamp, tag, or label if the name of the person who affixes the substitute appears thereon. Any person who shall cause or participate in the removal or muti- lation of any stamp, tag, label, or other means of identification affixed to a wood product with intent to violate the provisions of 1130 [54 STaT.